2022 NARC Annual Meeting
Friday, June 17th at 3:00 pm (PST) – Douglas County Fairgrounds, Roseburg, OR
L to R: Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson, Mark Medford and Andy Kahn |
L to R: Cindy Howard, Mike Coutu and Jim Rickoff |
Introduction of Club Officers by Andy Kahn:
1st Vice President: Cindy Howard
2nd Vice President: Michael Coutu
3rd Vice President: Jim Rickoff
4th Vice President: Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson
Secretary/Treasurer: Mark Medford
1st Vice President: Michael Coutu
2nd Vice President: Jim Rickoff
3rd Vice President: Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson
4th Vice President: Joel Harris
Secretary/Treasurer: Kyle Broussard
- 4 New Clubs - Tired Creek, Gopher State, Pine Tree and Flat Head River Retriever Clubs
- Cocktail Party – Friday Evening at 6:30 pm
- Workers' Party – Tuesday Evening at 6:30 pm
- Bitch Check will be at the North East corner after the meeting
- Canine Health Foundation Updates – no report given
- Mark Medford on behalf of the Hall of Fame, thanks to everyone's support, there is a new addition to the Hall of Fame, they got a new parking lot.
- Entry Express/Retriever News – no new news
- Birds were difficult to acquire – Avian bird flu had a large impact
- Muddy fields and wet conditions from so much rain have been difficult
- Hay and mowing has been delayed, cover is high and they are doing the best they can
- Judges have been very helpful in adjusting the tests to accommodate these conditions!
- Bente and Morley property will be used. Andy asked for patience and understanding, and he appreciates the Judges working within the given conditions.
Chair Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson and Andy Kahn |
Purina's Karl Gunzer and Corporate Sponsor Liaison Gwen Jones |
Garmin's Dean Reinke and Gwen Jones |
2023 NARC Chair Joel Harris |
Kirk Naisbitt, was introduced as Chief Marshal
He went on to announce the two test dogs, and one honorary:
- 45 Derby Pts., 189 All-Age Pts., 11 years old, 2 Open 1st and and AM 2nd
- Male Test Dog: Hooray For Henry, LM, Owned and Handled by Marion N. Carey
- Female Test Dog: FC Semper Mt. Hood Maci, GF, Owned and Handled by Lee Herskowitz
Handlers Instructions were given by Kirk Naisbitt, Head Marshal |
- Handlers - Reasonable time to call for birds. Instructions will be posted in the holding blind and Marshal's Tent and announced after the test dogs.
- 3 holding blinds will be kept full at all times
- Channel 11 will be the Marshal's frequency if you want to keep track, you can monitor from your car
- No-Birds: If it occurs before the Flyer, you come right back. If you see a flyer, you wait 6 and come back at 7. 2nd No-Bird is the same. 3rd No-Bird you go to the end.
- After the test dogs, the first 10 handlers will view the line, then the next 20, then everyone else.
- Gun changes will happen every 25 dogs
- If you are in a blind during a gun change, a marshal will hold your dog so you can view the line.
- 5:00 am Caravan at Sleep Inn
- 6:15 am National Anthem
- 6:30 am Test Dogs will Run
- 7:00 am 1st Dog will Run
- 1st Test will be at TJ Lindbloom's in the back – Follow Traffic Committee's directions
- We were cautioned that we might see non-traditional tests
- The 1st and 2nd Series will be a Double and Land Blind, all hen pheasants – Field tomorrow will be lightest cover, and with hen pheasants, there will be challenges!
- No partial Callbacks
- From the National Catalog page 14: Following the fifth rotation, the rotation returns to the starting dog of the trial (25), excluding that dog, and beginning with dog 26, or the first working dog after 26, five (5) working dogs (dogs listed on the callbacks) are counted and the sixth dog would start the sixth rotation.
- It will be a 30 minute drive to the test site from town
- Get the locations of the test in the Training Guide Online
- Go to 5120 Sunshine Road and jump in line with the caravan if you are not staying in town. Traffic persons will line you up at 5120 Sunshine Road – 2nd entrance.