National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

5th Series Recap - Day 2

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired

The single test dog of the day started out our 2nd day at the 5th Series to give competitors a refreshed look at what they could expect when they ran this test today. "Henry" ran the test at 7:59 am and we were ready to get going with our first running dog ...

The first running dog of the day was #40 AFC They Call Me Flamin Maimee, “Maimee,” LF, with handler Kyle Broussard at 8:21 am this morning!

The weather reached up into the low 80’s with sunny skies. It was a warm, nice and bright day!

Here is how things turned out on Day 2 …
No-Bird & Re-Run (6):  54 – 58 – 66 – 67 – 72 – 73
Handles (10): 41 – 45 – 51 – 54 – 58 – 59 – 62 – 63 – 64 – 65
Double Handles (4): 47 – 57 – 71 – 75
Pick-Ups (4): 60 – 67 – 72  – 73
Scratches (0): 
Injuries (0): 

Our last running dog for the day of this series was a rerun of dog #73. Seaside's Way Over The Stars, “Marcus,” LM, handled by Sue Reynolds. They came to the line at 3:55 pm, completed the test, and the day was called at 4:10 pm.

Wednesday morning we will have our first running dog #78 at 8:00 am.

We hope to see you all tonight at the Worker's Party! 
That's all for Today Folks, Have a Great Night!

Pick-up – Rerun – 73. SEASIDE’S WAY OVER THE STARS, “Marcus,” LM, Sue Reynolds

Marcus and Sue came to the line at 3:55 pm

F – Plunged into the marsh for his bird. Nice job!

SimF – Out to the stand out guns – a large loop and deep. Then a big left turn before he had his bird.

RR – Down the middle of the field, got very deep behind the long stand out. Hunted around the guns and had to be handled. And then picked up

LR – 


Hawk and Scott came to the line at 3:45 pm

F – Hawk got his bird!

LR – Great line punching through the marsh, a bend left and he is in the cover for his bird!

SimF – Scooting through the marsh Hawk is at the far end. He bends right, just behind the simulated flyer, then makes a turn and he has his bird!

RR – He cut through the marsh one more time – turned to run a big loop around the backside of the gunners, came in from an extended loop and grabbed up his bird!

76. FC-AFC SHORT STACK- DOUBLE OR NOTHIN’, “Shorty,” LM, Delma Hazzard

Shorty and Delma came to the line at 3:35 pm

F – Still alive – Shorty pounced on it!

LR – Out across the marsh and came in left of the bushes with the bird – dropped into the bushes and came out with his bird!

RR – Quick job of this one!

SimF –  Straight to his bird!


Worker's Party Tonight!

Don't forget about the Worker's Party Tonight!

The party starts at 6:30 pm

at Splitz Bar and Grill at Ten Down Bowling Alley

2400 NE Diamond Lake Blvd.

Roseburg, OR 97470

Hope to See You All There!

Double Handle – 75. FC-AFC LJ’s TEXAS KING OF BLUES, “Ray,” LM, Mark Littlejohn

Ray and Mark came to the line at 3:23 pm

F – Made quick work of his flyer!

SimF – Running with purpose he came out to this long bird without hesitation.

RR – Ray got out to the area between the simulated flyer and the right retired gun. He was handled to his bird.

LR – Ray ran left of the mark and continued until he was handled.



Ryder and Jim came to the line at 3:12 pm

F – Great job!

LR – Out through the marsh to the blind, then back right into the bushes and his bird!

SimF – Drove long to the stand out gun – perfect mark!

RR – Out to the blind, worked his way out to the bird.

Pick-up – Rerun – 67. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S MR BIG, “George,” LM, Bill Fruehling

George and Bill came to the line at 2:56 pm

F – George recovers his bird quickly.

LR – The line took him just right of the duck blind. There was an extended hunt behind the gunners and he was handled to the bird.

RR – Nicely done... he begins a bit tentatively, but he progresses towards his bird and he gets it!

SimF – As he starts, his owner brings him – he just didn't have the steam – it's a team effort. Well done Bill and George.

Rerun – 66. FC-AFC HOPE SHE’S A DUK DAWG, “Oakley,” LF, Bubba Joiner

 Oakley and Bubba came to the line at 2:45 pm

F – Slipped past on the left in heavy marsh cover – turned and came back and got it!

LR – Across the left side of the marsh, towards the blind, got deep left, but came back to her bird.

RR – Out through the marsh to the right retired blind, turned right and came back and got it!

SimF – Headed for the stand out gun at the end of the field. Straight through the marsh, came in right at the guns and went deep ... looped then came left and got it!



We have been told by the committee that we will be stopping after dog #73 has their rerun this afternoon. The first running dog tomorrow will be Dog #78 at 8:00 am (PST).

No-bird – 73. SEASIDE’S WAY OVER THE STARS, “Marcus,” LM, Sue Reynolds

Marcus and Sue came to the line at 2:42 pm. They had a No-bird on the Flyer. 

Will return after 6 running dogs.

Pick-up – 72. FC-AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, “Tru,” LF, Mark Medford

Tru and Mark came to the line at 2:31 pm

F – Out and she missed – went deep in the marsh, but came back and got her bird.

LR – Out across the middle of the marsh – stopped and hunted the bush from the right side and she got it!

SimF – Send wide right but came back into the middle and then headed long for the simulated flyer, and had her bird.

RR – Down into the marsh and headed back to the left retired area ... she was picked up

Double Handle – 71. BAYOU-STAR BEAU RIVAGE, “Riva,” LF, Suzan Caire

Riva and Suzan came to the line at 2:23 pm

F – Riva's flyer was no problem for her!

SimF –  Lickety split and she was on her bird!

LR –  Her initial line took her left of the duck blind shed. She made a couple loops and was handled to this bird.

RR – Riva went deep of the bird and right and continued to run! She was handled back to this bird also.

70. FC-AFC FLAWLESS EXECUTION - FLEX, “Flex,” LM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex and Johnny came to the line at 2:11 pm

F – Perfect Line!

LR – Out to the tree and blind and started around the back – came to the front – headed to the holding blind and then out of the bushes with his bird!

SimF – Wide Right and deep for an extended area hunt behind the right retired. Finally moved to the stand out and got his bird!

RR – Hunted all around the simulated flyer area but worked it out and moved over the right retired and grabbed his bird!


69. SEASIDE’S MOJO MOXY, “Boots,” LF, Jeff Schuett

Boots and Jeff came to the line at 2:02 pm

F – Boots got her bird!

RR –  Lighting fast out to this bird! Nice Mark!

LR – Very good mark. Boots was out and back in a snap with her bird!

SimF –  Beautiful Mark!

No-bird – 67. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S MR BIG, “George,” LM, Bill Fruehling

Came to the line at 1:48 pm. Had a No-bird on the Flyer. 

Will return after 6 running dogs.

Nobird – 66. FC-AFC HOPE SHE’S A DUK DAWG, “Oakley,” LF, Bubba Joiner

No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

Handle – Rerun – 54. FC-AFC TRULINES BIG BAD JACK, “Jack,” LM, Wayne Carey

Jack and Wayne came back to the line at 1:40 pm

F – Long bird  – out of the marsh and into the back open water – excellent job!

LR – Through the marsh to the end of the bushes that had the bird – he got to the end and came back, jumped into the bushes and grabbed his bird!

SimF – Down the middle of the marsh, he drove to the simulated flyer and had a nice, clean retrieve.

RR –  Headed towards the gun station and turned around, came back to mid-field several times – popped – and the handler had to give a quick cast and he had his bird.

Gun Change

 Gun Change and Rebird at 1:30 pm

Handle – 65. FC-AFC DOC’S MESA BOOGIE, “Mesa,” LF, William Smith

Mesa and William came to the line at 1:05 pm

F – Mesa easily recovers her flyer.

RR – Comes in below the gun station, turns and starts over towards the Left Retired Gun Station but is handled to the Right Retired.

LR – Mesa headed toward the duck blind shed and hunts a bit short, works her way around and gets her bird.

SimF –  Running down through the fall area of the Right Retired, she hunts deep and goes to the backside. She hunted up her bird and got it!

Handle – 64. FC-AFC HOCKLEY CREEK’S SOUTHPAW, “Lefty,” LM, Robby Bickley

Lefty and Robby came to the line at 12:53 pm

F – Quickly got his bird!

LR –   Out to the bird for a nice job!

SimF –  Driving through the marsh towards the stand out, came in right of the guns. Quickly drove to the left and out to his bird.

RR –  Ran down the right side of the field and kept going. Had to be stopped and handled back to his bird.


Handle – Rerun – 58. FC-AFC SHORELINE’S PRESS ON REGARDLESS, “Clyde,” LM, Linda Berkeley-Weiss

Clyde and Linda came to the line at 12:41 pm

F – Very good!

LR –   Clyde drives behind the flyer guns, goes to the duck blind shed and hunts. Moves over behind the shed and swings right. Works it out and gets his bird!

SimF –  Clyde came into the fall area behind the gunners – drives around to get his bird.

RR –  Line takes him behind the right retired and deep, begins to move toward the simulated flyer and is handled to this bird.


Handle – 63. AFC POPPLE RIVER’S FULL THROTTLE, “Gertrude,” LF, Bernard Carey III

Gertrude and Bernard came to the line at 12:24 pm

F – Had to lunge through the marsh – got to the end and came back, and she got it!

LR – Out in front through the marsh, left over to the tree – back to the holding blind, moved back right to the bushes, missed it and worked around to the other side – back to the bushes and she got it!

SimF – Drove through the marsh came in right of the guns, moved to the left and got it.

RR – Out to the right – hunted and got deep, had to handle back to this bird.


Handle – 62. AFC QUEEN BEE OF AUTUMN RUN, “Buzz,” LF, Jamie Woodson

Buzz and Jamie came to the line at 12:14 pm

F – Couple loops and she found her bird.

SimF – A loop and she went 3/4 of the way out and she proceeded to the simulated flyer and got it.

LR – Line headed along right side of the field and Buzz handled to the bird.

RR – She got her bird!



 Luke and Bert came to the line at 12:04 pm

F – Into the marsh and with a few turns, he had his bird!

LR – Made quick work of this one!

RR – Drove deep past the right retired, turned back and got it!

SimF – Drove through the middle of the marsh out past the gunners on the right hooked behind and straight to his bird!

No-Bird – 54. FC-AFC TRULINES BIG BAD JACK, “Jack,” LM, Wayne Carey

Jack and Wayne received a No-bird on the Flyer again. Will return after 6 running dogs.

Pick-up – 60. ALASKA RANGE PERFORMANCE GRADE QA2, “May,” LF, Cindie Little

May and Cindie came to the line at 11:47 am

F – Very good Flyer!

SimF –  May hangs up at the base of the hill hunting the bush at the beginning of the marsh. After a couple passes she drives on to the simulated flyer and gets it!

RR –    Nice line to the area of the fall but was driving through the area and past, so she was handled to the bird.

LR –  Down the hill but got into the flyer gun area and was picked up.

Conditions Update

 The day has remained beautiful, but the wind has picked up. It is blowing into the handler's back and left shoulder. As it swirls, it has caused more problems in the field. Out of the last eight dogs we have only had one clean run.

Handle – 59. HIGH PROOF LIKKER, “Hooch,” LM, Brian Watson

Hooch and Brian came to the line at 11:37 am

F – Smacked it!

LR – Straight to the brush and got his bird!

SimF – Drove through the marsh to the left side of the gunners and directly to his bird!

RR –  Drove through the marsh towards the left retired and the simulated flyer – got to the right side of the bush – stopped and was handled to this bird.

No-Bird – 58. FC-AFC SHORELINE’S PRESS ON REGARDLESS, “Clyde,” LM, Linda Berkeley-Weiss

 No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

Double Handle – 57. COOLWATER’S CAJUN DUCK POND WAVE MAKER, “Pireaux,” LF, Alex Washburn

Pireaux and Alex came to the line at 11:10 am

F – Straight to her bird!

LR –  Started to hunt but missed and left the area – was handled back to the bird.

SimF –   Went right close to the right retired but moved on through and got deep – made a few loops then went out on to the stand out – handled.

RR – Went by the bird upwind and kept on going – stopped and handled to the bird.


56. AFC ELI’S BIG CHIEF, “Chief,” LM, Heather Pfluger

Chief and Heather came to the line at 10:58 am

F – Chief got his flyer!

SimF –  Great line to the area. Made a couple loops and he has the simulated flyer!

LR –   Chief's line took him just left of the duck blind and then he looped out in the front and the hunt pattern extended behind and he found his bird.

RR – Very good mark!



Hattie and Sylvia came to the line at 10:48 am

F – Arrow straight to her mark!

LR –  Down the hill into the lunging water, through the marsh and out to the duck blind, moved out to the island with the bush and got her bird!

RR – Out across the marsh on the right side – drove a straight line to the bird!

SimF –  Ran a line under the arc of the left retired and kept driving out to the fall area and her bird. Nice!


 Click Button to View the Callbacks

We had a comment from someone looking for the callbacks ... So here is a link above^! 

You can easily find them on the blog from your computer, there is a button on the right side that looks like the one above. 

And if you are on a phone or device, you will need to use the tabs drop-down and select "Callbacks/Running Order" to get to the link! (see images that illustrate) Hope this tips helps everyone!


No-bird – 54. FC-AFC TRULINES BIG BAD JACK, “Jack,” LM, Wayne Carey

Jack and Wayne came to the line at 10:40 am

No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

Gun Change

Gun Change and Rebird at 10:32 am

53. AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” LM, Larry Vaske

Shooter and Larry came to the line at 10:21 am

F – Very good!

SimF – Stellar Mark! Charged through the marsh all the way directly to his bird!

LR – Shooter arrived to the area wide left, made a few passes and worked right. He moved onward to the area of the fall and got his bird.

RR – Very Good!


Percy and Jane came to the line at 10:10 am

F – Excellent Mark!

LR – Out across to the trees, around back and then back out on this side – into the area by the duck blind for a loop and then out to the bush and his bird.

SimF – Drove through the marsh towards the guns – worked his way left to the bird. Showed a very good mark.

RR – Clipped the right corner of the marsh, drove right, made 1 loop when hung up by scent – turned out towards the bird, and then he had his bird!

Handle – 51. AFC LAGUNA CREEK’S FIRST MATE, “Sailor,” LM, Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson

Sailor and Sonya came to the line at 10:03 am

F – This bird was calling Sailors name! He went straight to it!

LR –  Great effort lunging through the water to the area. H came in under the arc, put a tight hunt on beyond the gunners, then worked his way to the bird.

SimF –  Very positive mark – a great line to the bird!

RR – Line carried him a little beyond the fall area and was handled back to the bird.

50. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S TURBULENCE, “Evie,” LF, Bente Kongsore

Evie and Bente came to the line at 9:53 am

F – Scooped it up on the run!

SimF –  Straight as an arrow across the marsh. One quick turn and she got it!

RR – Wide right going out, turned just past the blind and got it.

LR – Went out under the arc of the throw – curved right and she had it!

49. AFC BOSS’S MACH-2 SUE, “Susie,” LF, Terry Foltz

Susie and Terry came to the line at 9:40 am

F – Good recovery of her bird!

SimF –  Nice line through the marsh, along the dike and to her bird!

LR – Coming in behind the gunners she began an extensive hunt pattern and found her bird.

RR – Very nice mark!

48. AFC DOTTIE RAY’S BLACK RAVEN, “Raven,” LF, Andy Kahn

Raven and Andy came to the line at 9:30 am

F – Into the marsh and she missed it on her first pass – turned in and got it on this trip through the water.

LR – On her way out, she got hung up on the center island – worked out to bush island – to the blind then back to the bush for her bird

RR – Into the right near the corner of the marsh, drove to the blind straight to her bird.

SimF – Straight to the fall area and then to her bird.

Double Handle – 47. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER'S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” LM, Bill Fruehling

Lonzo and Bill came to the line at 8:20 am

F – Made quick work of this flyer!

SimF – Driving through the marsh he comes in the back side of the gunners, goes deep, and comes round for his bird.

RR – Lonzo's initial line brings him towards the right retired guns, he over runs it and is handled back to this bird.

LR – Initial line needed a whistle correction,  a couple whistles near the fall area and Lonzo had his bird.


Drake and Breck came to the line at 9:06 am

F – Into the marsh for a hunt and circled the area a few times and he got it!

LR – To the duck blind and back out immediately to the fall are and got his bird!

SimF – Out across the low marsh and a straight line to the fall area and then to his bird.

RR – Down and into the right corner of the marsh – drove the land on the right of the marsh carried this line deep and worked back in towards his bird.


Handle – 45. FC-AFC LOCK FIVE’S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, “Tango,” LF, Mark Medford

Tango and Mark came to the line at 8:55 am

F – A quick recovery of his flyer!

SimF –  Good initial line through the marsh, broke right on the way out, looped back in at the fall area of the simulated flyer and gets the bird!

LR – Charged through the marsh and goes to the duck blind area, established a hunt around the blind and after an extended hunt she gets her bird at the edge of cover. 

RR – Tango's line took her wide right in a corridor along the outer area of the test. She corrects and comes back in, but still required some whistles from her handler to get this bird.


43. FC-AFC DRAKE’S BAY IZZY, “Izzy,” LF, Rick Wilke

Izzy and Rick came to the line at 8:43 am

F – Very short flyer in front of the guns. Got deep and missed her bird. Worked her way back through the heavy cover and to the bird.

LR – Out under the arc – turned in to the bush – worked his way down – still hunting the area of the bush ... the bird was in the middle of the bush! She got it!

SimF – Out through the marsh all the way to the simulated flyer – a perfect mark!

RR – Across the low marsh on the right, up and out towards the blind – got just deep and quickly found her bird!


Handle – 41. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” LM, Lauren Hays

Koufaxx and Lauren came to the line at 8:33 am

F – Koufaxx came out and checked a couple of spots and then he located his bird!

RR – He arrived deep and wide of the fall area where he established a hunt pattern and eventually got his bird.

SimF – Out under the arc of the Left Retired and driving on, he passed the Left Retired Guns and proceeded on to find his Simulated Flyer bird.

LR – Lining out to the area, he brushed just left of a clump of cover and moved deep. Koufaxx was handled back to the fall area and got his bird.


40. AFC THEY CALL ME FLAMIN MAIMEE, “Maimee,” LF, Kyle Broussard

Maimee and Kyle came to the line at 8:21 am

F – Maimee re-heeled and lost a bit of focus - hunted left of the marsh and deep, then back into the marsh for her bird.

LR – Out to the duck blind on the left, found the gunners – went back right across the marsh – hunted both left and right of the fall area, and she got it!

SimF – She headed wide left behind the duck blind and way deep – got parallel to the guns and then cut right way across the field to get her bird!

RR – Headed down the right side of the field cut in behind the guns and then got really deep – came back in and she got her bird!


5th Series Test Dog – Day 2

Our Test Dog Came to the line at 7:59 am ...

Hooray For Henry, “Henry,” LM, Marion Carey

The single test dog for this morning was Henry with handler Marion ... up to the line ...

F – The shots with a sluice makes this bird along with the close distance tot he mat; VERY appealing, nice job!

SimF – Down the right side out to the area behind the gunners and a few quick turns and he had it!

LR – Went under the arc and kept going. Tried to handle but he turned and then needed to be picked up. *since this is a test dog he still ran the right retired mark as well.

RR – Up the right side and went wide right – popped – and moved on too deep, but then found his way left to the bird.

Test complete at 8:10 am. This test took a Henry a little over 11 minutes.

Good Morning! It's Day 4 of the National Amateur ...

GOOD MORNING Everyone! We are going into our 4th day here at the National Amateur – and our 2nd day of the 5th Series. We are at TJ Lindbloom's property again to complete this series, and then we will be moving on to the 6th!

PLEASE NOTE:We ARE having connectivity issues in this area! So please be patient with the posting and photos, we don't have much for cell service or internet connection here at all, so we are having to go back and forth to an area that does have service to send info to our blogger off location to type the posts 😣 ... Thank you all for understanding!

CONDITIONS: As we gather for day 2 of test 5, the sun is starting to back light our field. The temperature is 49 degrees currently and we will reach 82 degrees by the close of the day. Heavy dew is glistening and deer are roaming the far end of the field. Overall – we are looking good for a great day of dog work! 

Our test dog Henry with his handler Marion Carey are getting ready! As soon as the sun moves a little higher in the sky, we will start!

Good Luck to Everyone Running Today!

A Good Morning photo capturing the sunrise here in Roseburg from Pam Wulf.

Announcement – Sun Delay

We are currently on a sun delay this morning. The judges are waiting for the sun positioning to improve for better visibility for the competitors.


L to R: John Stracka, Karen Young and Charlie Hayden

"T" & "J" – Islands in the Sun …

The site of the Fifth Series is located on the property of TJ and Debby Lindbloom. It is a beautiful place for this series, and it has an interesting history. When T J Lindbloom was younger and competitively pursuing success in retriever field trials, his father gave him a gift in the form of a pond. While building it, he created two islands – one in the shape of a "T" and the other in the shape of a "J." 

These islands are included in the artist’s sketch and remain; however current vegetation growth makes them harder to identify.

But it must have worked … because TJ went on to win a National title in 1979 with NFC-AFC McGuffy, owned by TJ and Debby Lindbloom, handled by TJ!

5th Series Connectivity

Welcome to DAY 4 of the 2022 National Amateur Championship …

Unfortunately, we do not expect any change in the way we are having to report this series today. For those of you watching the blog out there, please be aware that in order to broadcast the blog posts, we are collecting the information about a few dogs at a time and then taking it to the top of a nearby hill where instead of "NO SERVICE," we have "SLOW SERVICE." For those who have suggested we "TEXT" the info to a remote location – that is what we always do … but sometimes, even a text won't send.

Thank you for your continued patience and, in the words of one follower ... enjoy the blog as a "couch handler!"

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired – Day 2

Today, we are back at TJ Lindbloom's property for Day 2 as the 5th Series continues ...

The Fifth Series is a Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired Guns using all ducks. Skies have cleared and lighting is bright. The line sits at the top edge of a bowl facing nearly North. The backdrop at the edge of the field is tree-lined and blocks the river frontage. Much of the area is mowed where the area allows and the balance is marsh with small "islands" of elevation dotting the water. There is a duck blind between the left-hand flyer and the rest of the marks. Two brush areas are just below the line.

Bird #1: (SimF for Simulated Flyer) The simulated flyer goes off first. It is a drake that lands 270 yards to the left. The path to the bird will take the dog down the hill, between scrub brush and through lunging water. These guns will remain standing out.

Bird #2: (RR for Right Retired) The second bird is a hen mallard thrown 232 yards to the left. This hen mallard is an angle back on land. The dog will skirt along the right shore of the marshy area. Then will go through a cove, skimming land, past another marshy area and on to solid ground to pick up the bird.

Bird #3: (LR for Left Retired) The Left Retired Gun is a hen mallard thrown to the right at 200 yards. The dog drops down the hill, through lunging water, across some land, back into the marsh and on to solid ground.

Bird #4: (F for Flyer) The Flyer is a drake mallard shot to the left at approximately 108 yards. It is furthest left of the field and after it is shot it is sluiced.

The retired guns go to their blinds as the dog is picking up the flyer go-bird. This test is taking approximately 11 minutes plus or minus per dog to complete.

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired

Simulated Flyer – 270 yards

Right Retired – 242 yards

Left Retired – 200 yards

Flyer – 108 yards

Sketch of the Fifth Series by David Morrison