National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

6th Series Announcement

Good evening … the field trial committee has announced that the Sixth Series for tomorrow will be held on Andy Kahn's property at the "Butterfly Pond." It will be a Land/Water Quad. The Test Dogs will run at 6:30 am and the first running dog, #33, will run at 7:00 am. Have a good evening …

6th Series Announcement

After Dog #33 ran the 6th Series Blind and completed it, the Judges made the decision to cancel this test due to sun shining in the dogs eyes when they are being handled to the blind. They have scrapped this test. We are awaiting further instructions from the chief marshal as to where and what the next test will be tomorrow.

The test ended for the day at 3:15 pm.


Dozer and Alvin came to the line at 3:10 pm

Dozer ran the blind and completed it ...

6th Series Test Dogs

Test Dogs Came to the line ...

FC Semper Mt. Hood Maci, “Maci,” GF, Lee Herskowitz

First up ... Maci with handler Lee came to the line at 2:55 pm ...

Launched and lines to angle the water. One whistle and onto the next depression of marsh and out. One more whistle to the end.

Hooray For Henry, “Henry,” LM, Marion Carey

Next up ...  Henry and Marion came to the line at 2:57 pm ... 

Downhill to the first corner of the marsh, splashing through the water to the far shoreline. One whistle up to the next greenery area and out. One whistle to the top that carries him to the blind.

The test is taking about 3 minutes per dog ...

6th Series – Land Blind - Scrapped

The 6th Series is a Land Blind back at TJ Lindbloom's property. (the same site as the 5th Series) 

The mat has been moved down the hill. The handler comes to the line and calls for the birds. Two gunners stand from the simulated flyer station used in test five. They shoot twice. Then, the handler proceeds with the blind. 

The line to the blind takes the dog down the first Terrace onto a flat. Then he goes through the right corner of the marsh, staying close to a line of small evergreens running in the line from near to far. 

After the second evergreen there is a small marsh pond. When they exit this pond, they go through a shallow line of bullrushes. The dog must keep close to a small evergreen bush. Proceeding across the flat, the Drake Mallard is located in front of a pile of sticks approximately 277 yards east of the mat. 

Decoys have been planted in the left side of the first marsh.

The test is taking approximately 3 minutes per dog.

6th Series – Land Blind – 277 yards


Callbacks to the 6th Series

46 dogs were called back: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 28, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 61, 62, 64, 66, 69, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 84, 87, 90, 91, 92 and 96.

35 dogs dropped: 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 47, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 80, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89 and 95.

Series 6 will be on Andy Kahn's property again
Dog #33 will start the 6th series ...

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5th Series Recap - Day 3

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired

81 Dogs Started this Series

The single Test Dog started out the day today at 7:53 am. Test Dog "Maci" with handler Lee Herskowitz ran the test to show if there were any new conditions on this test for handlers this morning. After that we were off and running! First up was Dog #78 FC-AFC Mission Mountain's Home Cookin’, “Traeger,” LM, with handler Mark Neeley at 8:12 am.

Here is how things turned out on Day 3 …
No-Bird / Re-Run (4): 78 – 95 – 96 – 5 
Re-Run from a Previous Day (1): 21
Handles (9): 78 – 80 – 82 – 83 – 84 – 90 – 91 – 4 – 8 
Double Handles (3): 85 – 86 – 95
Pick-ups (2): 88 – 89
Scratches (0): 
Injuries (1): 73

Our last running dog for for this Series was dog #21 FC-AFC BD North Shore's Instant Rain Gear QA2, “Poncho,” LM, with handler Malcolm Haith. They came to the line at 1:32 pm – completed the test, and this series was final at 1:39 pm. 

All together, 81 dogs were sent from the line for test 5, taking a total of 17 hours and 56 minutes, which averages out to be about 13 minutes per dog.

The final stats for the entire 5th Series are:
10 – No-Birds / Re-Runs
24 – Handles
9 – Double Handles
12 – Pick-Ups
0 – Scratches
0 – Injuries

Test 5 is "in the books!" and we are moving on to the 6th Series now and awaiting callbacks ...

Rerun – 21. FC-AFC BD NORTH SHORE’S INSTANT RAIN GEAR QA2, “Poncho,” LM, Malcolm Haith

Poncho and Malcolm came back to the line at 1:32 pm to rerun

F – Nice job!

SimF – Down the marsh just left of bush – drove straight to the fall area and the bird!

LR – Same line as the simulated flyer, took sharp left onto island – got his bird!

RR – Wide right – turned into the blind and then the bird!



NOTE: Due to a delay, Julie ran the 5th series at the end. A Test Dog was run for Julie so that she could observe the test ...

Peaches and Julie came to the line at 1:18 pm

F – Excellent!

LR – Out under the arc of the bird, got a little deep, quick turn back and she got it!

SimF – Out across the marsh just right of big bush, curving left out towards her bird – missed it – one more turn and she got it!

RR – Straight to the blind, a few loops on the right, then moved left to the bird!

Rerun - No-bird – 21. FC-AFC BD NORTH SHORE’S INSTANT RAIN GEAR QA2, “Poncho,” LM, Malcolm Haith

Poncho and Malcolm came back to the line at 12:50 pm to rerun

No-bird on the flyer

Rerun – 5. FC-AFC CHOPPER’S FINAL APPROACH, “Billie,” LF, Joel Harris

Billie and Joel came to the line at 12:58 pm

F – Straight to her bird!

LR – Excellent line to the bush on the island and to her bird!

RR – Off to the right side of the field, holding the line to the blind. Straight to the fall area and she got it.

SimF – Out to the bush in the middle of the field. Went deep right, came back left to her bird.



Luke and Alvin came to the line at 12:39 pm

F – Explored a tight circle of cover his bird landed in and he came out with it!

LR – Luke made his own path through the cover arriving under the arc, making a couple loops on land, then bounding over to grab his bird on island.

RR – Excellent line to bird!

SimF – Remarkable job – Excellent mark!


Double Handle – Rerun – 95. AFC STILLWATER’S SMOOTH SAILING, “Glide,” LM, Kirk Naisbitt

Glide and Kirk came to the line at 12:30 pm

F – Smacked it!

LR – Out to the marsh to tree, turned back to the center of the field. Hunting short – handling – got it!

SimF – Got deep – handled to the bird.

RR – Could not see ...

Handle – 8. AFC LUNATIK FRINGE, “Lulu,” LF, Kyle Broussard

Lulu and Kyle came to the line at 12:18 am

F – Very good flyer!

LR – Lulu took the path through the marsh that brought her left of the duck blind shed. She quickly recovered it, bent right towards the mark, but over ran the area and was handled to the bird.

SimF – Charging through the marsh, she gets the bird with ease.

RR – Came in right of holding blind, turned left and on the bird!



Tavi and Naomi came to the line at 12:05 pm

F – Straight to it!

SimF – Up the middle of the marsh, straight to the stand out, loop on the left and back. Looped back to the left and she got it!

LR – Around the tree on the left – circled back. Crossed to the island and got it!

RR – Straight past the blind of the left, hunted a little deep, came back and worked it out. She got it!

No-bird – 5. FC-AFC CHOPPER’S FINAL APPROACH, “Billie,” LF, Joel Harris

Billie and Joel came to the line at 12:00 pm. They had a No-bird on the Flyer. 

Will return ...

Handle – 4. CALICREEKS SOMEWHERE DOWN IN TEXAS QA2, “Miles,” LM, Zach Campbell

Miles and Zach came to the line at 11:40 am

F – Ran the rim a little left of the marsh and missed his bird. Hunted the marsh and moved right – very extended hunt. 

LR – Quartered in to the fall area, then to the island and got it.

RR – Perfect line skimming past the right retired blind. He went deep and was by the long stand out on the right. Stopped and was handled back to his bird.

SimF – Pinned it!


Ptar and Doreen came to the line at 11:27 am

F – Very good recovery of flyer!

LR – Very good initial line, but broke left at the duck blind shed, briefly checked the shed. Worked out to brush in marsh, then expanded hunt to take him back to his bird.

RR – Excellent mark – Straight to his bird!

SimF – Attempted to get through the brush on line to the bird – bounced off. Back out – through cover on his way to a terrific mark.

Nobird & Rerun – 96. FC-AFC A RIVERS BREEZE BRINGS US FAITH, “Faith,” LF, Wayne Carey

Faith and Wayne came to the line at 11:08 am – had a no-bird but they brought him right back.

Faith and Wayne came back to the line at 11:17 am

F – Direct line!

SimF – Through the marsh angled right and headed to the simulated flyer – into the fall area and she got it.

LR – Went left of the brush in the middle out to the blind – into the island, missed and back out deep left. Came back and hunted the island multiple times for an extended period. Got it.

RR – Went just right of the blind – hooked into the fall area and quickly got her bird.

No-bird – 95. AFC STILLWATER’S SMOOTH SAILING, “Glide,” LM, Kirk Naisbitt

Glide and Kirk came to the line and they had a No-bird on the Flyer. 

Will return ...


Poncho and Jim came to the line at 11:00 am

F – Reheeled and off for a great flyer!

LR – Ran left of the duck blind shed – he makes a quick loop and then moves over to get his bird.

RR – Arrives right of the holding blind, bends left and is on the bird for a very good mark!

SimF –  Very good mark! A quick left turn and he was on his bird!

Handle – 91. AFC IZZY GITTIN’ BIZZY, “Izzy,” LF, Jim Horneck

Izzy and Jim came to the line at 10:48 am

F – Perfect Mark!

SimF – Out through the middle of the field towards the simulated flyer – Excellent Mark!

LR – Out to the right side of the field – She went too far – had to be handled back to the fall area – worked hard, but she got it!

RR – What a nice line out to the island and to her bird!

Gun Change

Gun Change and Rebird at 10:40 am

This will be the last one for this series ...

Handle – 90. FC-AFC BELMONT’S JUST PEAT, “Peat,” LM, Barney White

Peat and Barney came to the line at 10:30 am

F – A little zig zag and he was on his bird!

LR – Peat's line took him just right of the duck blind shed. He drove on and had a hunt deep of the guns. Over the area of the fall but he missed the bird. He hunted a bit and began to drive out of the area, so he was handled back in to his bird.

SimF – Executed an extended hunt – but he got his bird!

RR – Up the back side of the retired gun. Peat gets past the gunners and turns in to grab up his bird!

Pick-up – 89. FC-AFC RIMFIRES ONCE INNA BLUE MOON, “Blue,” LM, Mike Crow

Blue and Mike came to the line at 10:18 am

F – Smacked it!

SimF – On his way to the left retired he stopped and got distracted at the thicket – Large verbal back sent him on to the long stand out bird.

RR – On line wide right of the bird – he was stopped and handled back in for the bird.

LR – Lunged out to the area left of the blind and kept going – had to handle back to this bird – Guns came out to help – picked up.

Pick-up – 88. AFC JOE PANIK, “Josey,” LF, Missy Bell

Josey and Missy came to the line at 9:50 am

F – Very good recovery of her bird!

SimF – Josey took an excellent initial line but deflected off a large piece of cover and went left. She corrected and drove to the long bird – a bit of quartering and she had her bird.

RR – On route to the retired gun she looks to be driving a little left – Josey was handled to this bird.

LR – This one was a no-go – Josey had to be picked up

Double Handle – 86. HAYSEED WILDER MAX4 QA2, “Max,” LM, Jeff Meyer

Max and Jeff came to the line at 9:50 am

F – Nice line – Great mark!

SimF –  Took a line behind the Left Retired and continued out to the stand out gun and he got it!

RR –  He took a line to the long stand out going to the area right of the gun. – Stopped and was handled back to this bird.

LR – Had to be handled to this island bird.

Announcement - for the 6th Series

The committee has notified us that the 6th Series Land Blind will be held at this same location, upon the conclusion of the 5th Series.

Handle – Rerun – 78. FC-AFC MISSION MOUNTAIN’S HOME COOKIN’, “Traeger,” LM, Mark Neeley

Traeger and Mark came to the line again at 9:35 am

F – Very good recovery of his bird!

LR – Good initial line – went on the correct side of the duck blind, but bent left and round the back side – Traeger took multiple whistles to move to the bird.

SimF –  Excellent Mark – Straight to the area!

RR – Very good Mark!

Double Handle – 85. FC-AFC CK’S TOPEND STARWARS, “Luke,” LM, Anne Marshall

Luke and Anne came to the line at 9:25 am

F – Smacked it!

LR – Out behind the tree on the left, came back in towards the line. Had to handle back to the area of the fall – a short pop – and moved on back to the bird.

SimF – Out through the middle of the marsh straight to the stand out gun Sim Flyer and the bird!

RR –  Excellent line to just right of the blind – he continued this line – but was handled to stop forward progress and handled back to the bird.


Handle – 84. FC-AFC HOLLAND CLIFFS IN HOT PURSUIT, “Chase,” LM, Alvin Hatcher

Chase and Alvin came to the line at 9:10 am

F – Chase drove a little deep to the edge of the water structure ... a couple quick turns and he grabbed his bird!

LR – Good line. Deflected off the duck blind shed to the right. Smart move! That put him back on line, and he worked the area of the fall. Missed it! Ended up wide right and needed multiple whistles to move onto the bird.

RR – To the area from the right, Chase stayed focused and got his bird!

SimF –  Excellent line to this mark!

Handle – 83. SEASIDE’S ROAD TO GLORY, “Freeway,” LM, Monte Wulf

Freeway and Monte came to the line at 8:55 am

F – Into the marsh and missed it – re-entered, made a large hunt in a tight area and he got it.

SimF – Straight to the area of the stand out gun, had an area hunt and got his bird.

LR – Straight to the island area – held in that location in the marsh for a few turns – then onto the island and he has his bird!

RR – Excellent line to the fall area but he missed it and headed deep to the stand out guns. Had to be handled back to this bird.

Handle – 82. AFC R&A’S TAP DANCER, “Katie,” LF, Rip Shively

Katie and Rip came to the line at 8:42 am

F – Very good recovery of her flyer!

SimF –  Good line to the bird. Stopped short as she came out of the water to circle short of the fall area. Then an extended hunt in the area to find her bird.

LR – Initial line was left of the mark. Got to the duck blind shed and deflected right. She began working the area and was handled back to the bird.

RR – Her line took her right of the area. She corrected when she arrived, had a couple turns and was on her bird!

81. AFC LANE’S RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE, “Man,” LM, Sylvia McClure

Man and Sylvia came to the line at 8:32 am

F – Into the marsh – one tight turn and he got it!

LR – Through the marsh – around the tree to the holding blind, back for a circle around the tree and then out to the island and his bird.

RR – Around the right side of a large brush – out across the island with the left retired, out the the area of the simulated flyer – ran through and then back in to the right to the right retired area and he got his bird.

SimF –  Out to the left side of the island through the marsh and on to the long stand out. Nice job!

Handle – 80. NFC-AFC BAYOU TECHE SWING FOR THE FENCE, “Foxx,” LM, Lauren Hays

Foxx and Lauren came to the line at 8:14 am

F – Watched .... and then he quickly went out and brought back his bird!

SimF –  Lined out to the tree on his way to the short retired around back and then deep left – Lost sight of him – next seen at the long stand out and he got it!

RR – Nice line under the arc but kept going – had to be handled back into the fall area and then to his bird.

LR – Excellent line to the island – touched it and made a turn left then immediately back with his bird.


No-bird – 78. FC-AFC MISSION MOUNTAIN’S HOME COOKIN’, “Traeger,” LM, Mark Neeley

Traeger and Mark came to the line at 8:12 am. They had a No-bird on the Flyer.

Will return after 6 running dogs.

5th Series Test Dog – Day 3

Test Dog Came to the line at 7:53 am...

FC Semper Mt. Hood Maci, “Maci,” GF, Lee Herskowitz

The single test dog for this morning was Maci with handler Lee ... up to the line ...

F – Short work of this bird – Nice!

RR – Down the hill into the marsh – through both cover and water to he blind and then worked out to the bird.

SimF – Took a line similar to the right retired, kept going straight, she made a wise move to the left and on to her bird!

LR – Took a nice line out under the arc of this bird – was going deep, stopped her and started to handle to the island with the bush and her bird.

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired – Day 3

Today, we are back at TJ Lindbloom's property for our 3rd day of the 5th Series. We should be finishing this test up and moving in a few hours. The conditions today are sunny skies, with a very slight NNW breeze at 8mph. It will be warming up and temps will get to about 84 degrees as the day continues ...

The water in this test site was higher last week due to all the rain in the area, but has now dried to create some patches of lunging water.

The Fifth Series is a Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired Guns using all ducks. Skies have cleared and lighting is bright. The line sits at the top edge of a bowl facing nearly North. The  backdrop at the edge of the field is tree-lined and blocks the river frontage. Much of the area is mowed where the area allows and the balance is marsh with small "islands" of elevation dotting the water. There is a duck blind between the left-hand flyer and the rest of the marks. Two brush areas are just below the line.

Bird #1: (SimF for Simulated Flyer) The simulated flyer goes off first. It is a drake that lands 270 yards to the left. The path to the bird will take the dog down the hill, between scrub brush and through lunging water. These guns will remain standing out.

Bird #2: (RR for Right Retired) The second bird is a hen mallard thrown 232 yards to the left. This hen mallard is an angle back on land. The dog will skirt along the right shore of the marshy area. Then will go through a cove, skimming land, past another marshy area and on to solid ground to pick up the bird. 

Bird #3: (LR for Left Retired) The Left Retired Gun is a hen mallard thrown to the right at 200 yards. The dog drops down the hill, through lunging water, across some land, back into the marsh and on to solid ground.

Bird #4: (F for Flyer) The Flyer is a drake mallard shot to the left at approximately 108 yards. It is furthest left of the field and after it is shot it is sluiced.

The retired guns go to their blinds as the dog is picking up the flyer go-bird. This test is taking approximately 11 minutes plus or minus per dog to complete.

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired

Simulated Flyer – 270 yards

Right Retired – 242 yards

Left Retired – 200 yards

Flyer – 108 yards

Sketch of the Fifth Series by David Morrison

Good Morning! It's Day 5 at the National Amateur ...

GOOD MORNING Everyone! We are going into the 5th day here at the National Amateur – and it will be our 3rd day of the 5th Series, which we should be finishing up and heading to the 6th by this afternoon!

PLEASE NOTE:We ARE still having connectivity issues in this area! So please be patient with the posting 😣 ... Thank you all for the understanding!

CONDITIONS: As we gather again for day 3 of test 5, the temperature is at about 65 degrees currently and we are warming up to reach 84 by the close of the day. Skies are relatively clear and temps are already warmer than they have been this week. The sun is bright and the wind is not a factor. The test dog has been called to the line and the handlers were gathered to view. As you look out over the marsh, you see many paths through the bullrushes. Handlers will be visualizing which one to choose. Overall – we are looking good for our National again! 

We are off and running!!

Good Luck to Everyone Running Today!