National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Sunday, June 19, 2022

3rd & 4th Series Recap - Day 1

Sunday, June 19, 2022 - 1st Day

3rd & 4th Series – Water Double with a Water Blind

Test Dogs started out the day at 6:39 am, beginning with "Maci" and then "Henry" was up next to give the competitors a good idea of what they might expect for the 3rd and 4th Series. (... and they would have noticed, it was going to be a tough two series!)

Our first running dog #88 AFC Joe Panik, “Josey,” LF with owner handler Missy Bell kicked off the 3rd and 4th series at 7:19 am this morning!

The weather started in the low 50’s and reached into the upper 60’s. We didn't have much breeze and mostly cloudy conditions for the majority of the day. Again, it was a pretty good day to be in the field to watch these amazing dogs work!

Here is how things turned out on Day 1 …
No-Bird / Re-Run (2): 16 – 46
Handles (31): 90 – 91 – 93 – 97 – 98 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 10 – 13 – 15 – 16 – 20 – 21 – 22 – 23 – 25 – 28 – 29 – 30 – 32 – 34 – 35 – 36 – 37 – 38 – 39 – 40 – 47 – 50 – 51
Pick-Ups (7): 94 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 11 – 17 – 42
Scratches (0): 
Injuries (0): 

Our last running dog for the day of this series was dog #51. AFC Laguna Creek’s First Mate, “Sailor,” LM, owned and handled by Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson. They came to the line at 5:22 pm, she completed the test, and the day was called at 5:32 pm.

Monday morning we will continue running Series 3 and 4 with Dog #52 to start.

NOTE: There will be no caravan Monday morning back to the Series 3 & 4 site!
One test dog will run at 6:30 am and then we will have our first running dog start shortly thereafter.

That's a Wrap for Today, Good Night Everyone!

Handle – 51. AFC LAGUNA CREEK’S FIRST MATE, “Sailor,” LM, Sonya Harrigfeld-Jackson

Sailor and Sonya came to the line at 5:22 pm

F – Great line across the pond and up the hillside, quick loop in the area and he was on his bird.

RR – Excellent line to the bird but Sailor swam just past the point, Sonya put a quick whistle on him to get him to the bird. He required a couple more, but he got his bird.

B – 2 whistles to get the line in the water, 4 more to get on and off the point, and 1 more whistle to the bird.

The day was called at 5:32 pm

Handle – 50. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S TURBULENCE, “Evie,” LF, Bente Kongsore

Evie and Bente came to the line at 5:12 pm

F – Slipped into the pond on an angle towards the guns, got to the top of the hill and turned right and came down to get her bird.

RR –  Clipped the right corner of the neck of the pond, angled across the 2nd inlet and then missed the bird and kept going. Bente had to stop her and handle her back to the bird.

B – 3 or 4 whistles to get in left of the stake, 1 whistle to get on point, 1 more to get off and 1 whistle for direction and a check down at the end.

49. AFC BOSS’S MACH-2 SUE, “Susie,” LF, Terry Foltz

Susie and Terry came to the line at 5:03 pm

F – A quick look deep on the gunners and Susie comes back to work out her bird.

RR – Susie left with a positive line and arrived wide right, she got a little deep and then came back into the area to get her bird. Terrific heart!

B – 3 whistles to get into the water, 2 more to the point, and then 2 whistles to get to the bird.


48. AFC DOTTIE RAY’S BLACK RAVEN, “Raven,” LF, Andy Kahn

Raven and Andy came to the line at 4:55 pm

F – Took the fastest way out and never got wet! She ran up to the fall area and got her bird!

RR – Ran right of the pond, turned onto a point and grabbed her bird ... without getting wet again!

B – 5 whistles to get in left of the stake, a few more whistles to the point and then on to the bird!


Handle – 47. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER'S PERFECT PASS, “Lonzo,” LM, Bill Fruehling

Lonzo and Bill came to the line at 4:46 pm

F – Very nice mark!

RR – Lonzo came in very wide right and deep, had an extended hunt. He was then handled to return to the area of the fall for a further handle to the mark.

B – 3 whistles to attempt an initial line to the left of the stake but Lonzo missed it, 1 whistle to get on and off the point, 2 more to get to the bird.

No-Bird – 46. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard

 No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

45. FC-AFC LOCK FIVE’S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, “Tango,” LF, Mark Medford

Tango and Mark came to the line ...

F – Tango went across the hill and into the pond on a good angle, out and straight up in front of the guns, turned right and grabbed up her bird on her way back down the hill!

RR – She went out to the small pond  on the left, cut across to the right side, scooped up the bird and returned back. Excellent!

B – 3 whistles to get in the water, this carried her to the point, 1 whistle on the point and 1 off the point, 1 to adjust her line and 1 more at the bird.


43. FC-AFC DRAKE’S BAY IZZY, “Izzy,” LF, Rick Wilke

Izzy and Rick came to the line at 4:25 pm

F – Izzy made a big splash into the water and she was on her way! Charging across the water, out and up the hill, she made a quick right turn to scoop up her bird!

RR – She had a quick swim and then over into the next pond, she landed on the left shore and figures out that the bird is on the far shore, so she jumps back in and swims over to retriever her bird!

B – 4 whistles to the water and she pass to the right of the stake, 1 whistle to the point and 2 more to get to the bird.



Storm and Debi came to the line at 4:14 pm

F – Off the point into the pond, he swam down to the end of the pong, climbed out and up the hill towards the guns, moved to mid-field and put on a short hunt and came up with his bird.

RR – Storm went very wide right that he went out of sight, curved back in at the end of the field, hunted deep of the pond, getting back into the flyer area, Debi started to handle him but could not get him to the bird. Gunners were asked to come out and the dog was picked up.

B – Did not run the blind.

41. AFC BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, “Koufaxx,” LM, Lauren Hays

Koufaxx and Lauren came to the line at 3:58 pm

F – Koufaxx got across the pond and up the hillside, then headed behind the gunner station making a couple passes deep and then moving into the area of the fall and hot his bird.

RR – He went across the tail of the pond and ran along side to the right side of it, then he turned hard left to scoop up his bird!

B – 1 whistle to get in the water, 3 more to get on and off the point and 2 more whistles to finish the blind.

Handle – 40. AFC THEY CALL ME FLAMIN MAIMEE, “Maimee,” LF, Kyle Broussard

Maimee and Kyle came to the line ...

F – Swam out to the right corner of the pond, angled across towards the guns and back to get her bird.

RR – Maimee ran all the way down the right side to the end, Kyle started to handle but with some difficulty, the bird was in the water. She got it!

B – Quite a few whistles but she kept her line, went left of the stake and both on and off point, and she had her bird.


Handle – 39. FC-AFC SEASIDE’S POMPANO JACK, “Jack,” LM, Phil Heye

Jack and Phil came to the line at 3:38 pm

F – Jack drove through the pond up the hill and directly to the bird, very nice mark!

RR – Terrific line to the mark. At the very end he appeared to pass just right of the mark and the handler put a quick whistle on him to direct him a few feet to get his bird.

B – 4 whistles into the water, 3 more on and off the point, and 4 more to the bird.


Handle – 38. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” LM, Jamie Woodson

Madduxx and Jamie came to the line at 3:25 pm

F – Excellent line down the hill across the pond and straight to the fall area and then his bird.

RR – Into the left side of the far pond, started to angle across then channeled past the bird. Handle got a little choppy but he worked it out and got his bird.

B – 3 whistles to get in, kept on a nice line over the point and to the bird.


Dog #51 will be the last dog running today.

There will NOT be a caravan to the test site tomorrow morning. We will be back here at the same place to finish Series 3 and 4.

One test dog will run at 6:30 am and then we will continue on with the first running dog: #52.

Handle – 37. FC-AFC BEAVER RUNS ZIG ZAG ZEKE, “Zeke,” LM,” Leigh Windham

Zeke and Leigh came to the line at 3:20 pm

F – Taking a fast route to the bird, he ran up and plucked his bird out of the cover!

RR – Headed deep of the fall, Zeke had to be handled to his bird.

B – 3 whistles to the water, 1 on and off the point, and 5 more to the bird.


Handle – 36. HIGH ROAD ABE, “Abe,” LM, Randi Johannis

Abe and Randi came to the line ...

F – Off the point into the pond, swam to the far left corner, ran in front of the guns, across the field and scooped up his bird.

RR – Across the field, up the left side of the far pond, had to be handled as the dog got deep, it was difficult, but he got it!

B – 1 whistle to get in the pond and he got it. Excellent blind!

Handle – 35. SILVERTIP SECRET WEAPON, “Lazer,” LM, Tom Hartl

Lazer and Tom came to the line at 2:57 pm

F –  Lazer sharp! Across the pond, up the hill and straight to his bird!

RR – The initial line was wide right, a quick handle and he was on his bird.

B –  3 whistles to get in the water, 1 on and off the point, 3 more to get his bird.


Croc and Monte came to the line ...

F – Great angle across the hill through the water and up the hill, hunted both left and right at the top and he found it!

RR – Down to the field, channel into the pond, got out on the left and hunted deep, handled back down the hill and across the pond to find his bird.

B – 3 whistles, but he got in right of the stake, nice job skimming down the shore and over the point and onto his bird!


Dozer and Alvin came to the line at 2:38 pm

F – Huge splash and he jumped into the water, across the pond and up the hill. A few passes back and forth and on to his very long flyer.

RR – Very good line and recovery of his bird!

B – 3 whistles to the water, 2 more to get on and off the point and to his bird!


Handle – 32. FC-AFC FIELD OF DREAMS WHAT’S ALL THE BUZZ ABOUT, “Buzz,” LM, Jeffrey Schuett

Buzz and Jeff came to the line at 2:30 pm

F – Great angle down the hill and across the pond, up to the  fall area and quickly got her bird.

RR – Into the right corner of the pond heading towards the flyer, stopped and started to handle, 
got deep but worked his way back and over to the bird.

B – 2 whistles to get in, skimmed the shore, off the point, on to the bird with several whistles.


Moove Over Retriever News Team!



Margie and Wayne came to the line at 2:18 pm

F – Margie entered the water for a very good swim, over the land and up the hill, she arrived left of the gunners but immediately pulls right to the area of the fall. Her bird landed very long but she was able to find it quickly.

RR – She located the retired gun blind and it held her on that side of the pond for a bit, she continued to work the area and crossed over to where her bird was. She got it!

B – 1 whistle into the water, attempted to correct the line, but she went right, 1 whistle on and off the point and 2 more to the end.

Handle – 30. FC K&M’s SEASIDE WARRIOR ELLIE, “Ellie,” LF, Cameron Johnson

Ellie and Cameron came to the line at 2:06 pm

F – Nice angle across the hill and down and off the point, swam to the deep left end, up and out in front of the guns, cut right and got her flyer.

RR – Out across the slope into the front left corner of the back pond, down the left side, she missed it. Got to the end of the pond and was handled back to the bird.

B – 2 whistles to get in left of the stake, 3 or 4 more to the point, 1 to get off the point and 4 more and a check down at the bird.

Handle – 29. STILL WATER’S TRUTH OR DARA, “Dara,” LF, Chad R Griffin

Dara and Chad came to the line at 1:55 pm

F – She went in and got her bird!

RR – Dara entered the water, had a line heading towards the flyer area and Chad handled her to move Dara over to get her bird.

B – 1 whistle to the water, 1 more on and off the point, and 2 more whistles at the end.

A Mooving Picture – Where's the Beef?

 We should let people know the good viewing for the 5th series is already filling up! 😜

Handle – 28. FC-AFC BUSTER POSEY MH, “Buster,” LM, Steve Kompf

Buster and Steve came to the line at 1:42 pm

F – Nice entry into the pond, swam to the end, went right in front of the guns and turned right, then mid field turned left and up to his bird.

RR – Down the slope at a nice angle, went down the right side of the back pond but he missed the bird. Steve started handling behind the pond and Buster worked it out to get his bird.

B – 7 whistles before he would get in half way down the bank, nice job on the point, multiple more whistles but he found his bird.


Handle – 25. FC-AFC TANKS FOR THE MEMORIES II, “Hope,” LF, Shane Olean

Hope and Shane came to the line at 1:00 pm

F – Good line to the area but then a couple loops deep and left, she made a couple more passes and had her bird.

RR – She arrived left of the mark, came around and identifies the holding blind but drives on, she was handled to the bird.

B – 3 whistles to enter the water, 2 more on and off the point, and an excellent end.


Handle – Rerun – 16. BUCK N FIRE FLY, “Twink,” LF, Mary Williams Ahlgren

Twink and Mary came to the line ...

F – Twink flew down the hill at an angle, got out directly in line with the fall, drove the hill and quickly got her bird.

RR – She went into the back pond and swam the channel, got out but passed it, a quick whistle put her on her bird.

B – 3 whistles and got in left of the stake, several more to get on the point and then a few more to get to the bird.

Gun Change

  Gun Change and Rebird 1:15 pm

24. SETTIN’ THE WOODS ON FIRE, “Hank,” LM, Nancy Moran

Hank and Nancy came to the line at 1:01 pm

F – Down the hill and launched off the point, swam to the left end of the pond, came in behind the guns and started to hunt left of the guns, got deep and then into the fall area and found his bird.

RR – Ran down the pond, got into the far right end, ran down the left side of the guns, crossed the pond and got his bird.

B – 2 whistles to get in left of the stake – very nice, hit the point and on to the bird with a few more whistles to finish.

Handle – 23. HIGH PEAK’S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, “Dylan,” LM, Samantha Thompson

Ray and Mark came to the line at 12:51 pm

F – Beautiful! Big splash and chugged through the water, up and over the point, in for another swim and up and out to his bird.

RR – Across the water landing wide left of the area, Dylan had multiple whistles to get his bird.

B – 1 whistle to the water, 4 more to the point and 3 whistles to the bird.


Handle – 22. BLUE MOON’S SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, “Drake,” LM, George Rogers

Drake and George came to the line at 12:40 pm

F – Drake plowed through the cover, made a big splash into the water and pulled a little left as he swam to exit in a better position, and went right to grab his flyer.

RR – Driving in a straight line, he arrives in the field wide right, a quick handle and he is on his bird.

B – 1 whistle to get into the water, 1 more to get on and off the point, then 3 whistles to the end.

Handle – 20. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE EXPRESS, “Ryan,” LF,” Lauren Hays

Ryan and Lauren came to the line at 12:07 pm

F – Splash and a great drive effort to the bird, after a thorough hunt of the area Ryan is handled to her bird.

RR – Ryan established a hunt short of the retired gun, after a time, she crossed the pond to dig out her bird.

B – 2 whistles to get in – 4 to get on and off the point – 4 more to the bird.

Catch the glove, "Ryan!"


Handle – 21. FC-AFC BD NORTH SHORE’S INSTANT RAIN GEAR QA2, “Poncho,” LM, Malcolm Haith

Poncho and Malcolm came to the line at 12:31 pm

F – Poncho had a great line to the area, after a controlled hunt of the area he came up with his bird.

RR – He entered the field wide right, went to the far side of the field when he was handled to the bird.

B – 1 whistle to get into the water, 3 on and then off the point, 1 more to get to the end.

Pick-up – 17. FC-AFC MARSHWIND’S OSKAR, “Oskar,” LM, Bente Kongsore

Oskar and Bente came to the line at 11:57 am

F – Down the hill at an angle into the pond and swam to the far left end, out past the gunners and hunted deep and found his bird.

RR – Oskar went down the left side of the back pond and out on the far end missing the bird. Had to be picked up.

B – Did not run the blind.

No-Bird – 16. BUCK N FIRE FLY, “Twink,” LF, Mary Williams Ahlgren

 No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

12. AFC SALLY BE GOOD, “Sally,” LF, Terry Foltz

Sally and Terry came to the line at 12:20 pm

F – Took an excellent line out to the fall area, got her bird after a brief hunt.

RR – Great line down the right side of the pond, into the water at the neck, over the point and into the water again, and back up to grab her bird.

B – 1 whistle into the pond left of the stake, 1 whistle onto the point, 1 to get off, 2 more to the bird.


3rd & 4th Series Stats

So far today we have had 28 dogs run Series 3 and 4.

This has been a very challenging set of tests!

Here is how things have turned so far …
13 – Handles
6 – Pick-Ups
1 – No-Birds
0 – Scratches

Handle – 15. FC-AFC KIRKWOOD’S ACE OF A HIGHER GRADE, “Deacon,” LM, Mark Medford

Deacon and Mark came to the line at 11:48 am

F – Straight to the fall area and his bird.

RR – Was going wide and deep, 1 quick whistle and he was on the bird. Excellent whistle!

B – 1 whistle to get in left of the stake, a few more and he had his bird.


14. FC-AFC BRING IT ON, “Hoss,” LM, Cynthia Tallman

Hoss and Cynthia came to the line at 11:36 am

F – Hoss went across the pond and angled towards the retired guns in the water, but he pulled left and came up to the flyer area, made a quick loop and had his bird.

RR – Great line to the bird! He grabbed his bird and made his way back!

B – Great initial line, 1 whistle on and off the point, and 1 to the end. Great job!


Handle – 13. FC EXECUTION SOUTHERN STYLE - LETHAL, “Lethal,” LM, Johnny Armstrong

Lethal and Johnny came to the line at 11:25 am

F – Ran parallel to the pond, caught the right end, out to the fall area and then onto his bird.

RR – Rand past the 1st pond, caught the neck of the 2nd pond, went all the way to the end, started to handle hard, but was able to get the bird in the end.

B – 3 whistles and in on the left of the stake, a few more and he had his bird.


Insights into the 3rd and 4th Series

As we sit here under the Retriever News tent, we aware that this 3rd and 4th Series has given the judges  some input. The biggest influence for this Land and Water Double is the length of the Flyer and where it lands. A long flyer pulls the dog deep and creates the potential for a return to the old fall.

If a dog tries to be honest on the dead bird fall, they get the picture of a channel swim and will drive deep. Once deep, few will recover and will have to be handled to the bird. However, a few dogs have taken the channel.

If a dog runs hard right on the dead bird mark – it is "dog - - GONE"

12. AFC SALLY BE GOOD, “Sally,” LF, Terry Foltz

 Dog #12 has been delayed ...

Pick-up – 11. FC-AFC J & C’S ANOTHER ROUND IN THE CHAMBER, “Bullet,” LM, Joseph Couey

Bullet and Joseph came to the line at 11:20 am

F – Very nice mark!

RR – Wide ride and deep, he swings towards the flyer and had to be picked up.

Handle – 10. AFC TRUMARC’S MUMBO JUMBO, “Jumbo,” LM, Sylvia McClure

Jumbo and Sylvia came to the line at 11:06 am

F –  Jumbo got into the pond and headed toward the guns then took a hard left across the the left shoreline and got in behind the flyer guns, then very deep to the end of the field, very wide right behind the retired guns then behind the small pond, ran back to the fall area and then off again! He did work it out finally and came back to get his bird.

RR – He ran parallel to the pond, got in at the far end and got out left of the guns, Sylvia decided to handle him and he got his bird.

B – 4 whistles and he got in left of the stake, a few more to the point, and a nice job off the point with only a few more whistles to get to the bird.


Luke and Alvin came to the line at 10:56 am

F – A big splash in and Luke swims across the pond to grab his bird!

RR – Well done, nice mark!

B – 3 whistles to get into the water, 3 to get on and off the point, and 3 more to get to the end.

Handle – 8. AFC LUNATIK FRINGE, “Lulu,” LF, Kyle Broussard

Lulu and Kyle came to the line ...

F – Off of the point, she swam to the end of the point and ran behind the guns, up the mound and back right of the fall area, but she got it!

RR – The throw was long, well up on the point. Lulu ran down and got into the left side of the pond, got out and headed towards the flyers, stopped and was handled back to the right across the water and to her bird.

B – 3 whistles to get in left of the stake, several more whistles to get on and off the point and out to her bird.


Tavi and Naomi came to the line at 10:34 am

F – Very good line, a controlled hunt and she got her long flyer.

RR – Entered the area a little bit wide to the right and deep, a couple loops and she got into the area to scoop up her long bird!

B – 1 whistle to the point and 1 off again, and 1 more at the end. Very nice work!

Pick-up – 6. AFC AJTOP GRADY’S CRUISIN PIRATE, “Hook,” LM, Alan Madsen

Hook and Alan came to the line at 10:17 am

F – Into the pond off the first point, swam to the far end, drove behind the flyer guns, drove to the end of the field and worked his way back a short distance to get his bird.

RR – Hard right going out, no water and wide of the guns, got to the end of the field and started hunting, got into the flyer area and was picked up.

B – Did not run the blind.


Billie and Joel came to the line at 10:07 am

F –  Excellent line to her bird!

RR – Beautiful job!! An honest line and terrific mark!

B – Excellent initial line, 1 whistle to get off the point, and 2 more to the bird. Picture perfect!


Handle – 4. CALICREEKS SOMEWHERE DOWN IN TEXAS QA2, “Miles,” LM, Zach Campbell

Miles and Zach came to the line ...

F –  Miles swam to the left far end of the pond, got out and hunted the area in front of the guns hard, worked his way towards the back and got his bird.

RR – He ran deep right, moved left towards the flyer guns, made a quick stop and was handled to the fall area. The dog had a problem digging it out, the bird was in a very difficult place and could not get to it. A Bird Steward came over and gave a new bird to the dog, and the steward got the original bird and brought it back.

B – 4 whistles put him into the pond left of the stake, 3 more whistles to the point, 1 to get off the point and 3 whistles to get his bird.

SCRAPBOOK – DAY 1 of the 2022 NARC

 Day One of the 2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship …

Mark Atwater of UpClose Photo is our Official Photographer …

L-R: Judges Charlie Hayden, Karen Young and John Stracka

The gallery makes it's way down the steep slope …

Thank you to the Grounds Committee for the "infrastructure!!" – WOW!

The RN Blog Team: Becky Eckett, Gwen Jones and Tina Stayn ("The Paparazzi")

Pick-up – 3. FC-AFC PINETREE’S PARTY GIRL, “Snookie,” LF, Delma Hazzard

Snookie and Delma came to the line at 9:29 am

F – Nice line and recovery of her bird!

RR – Good initial line, but she pulled left swimming through the end of the pond and ended up coming out behind the bird throwers, she got real deep and is handled. Delma works with Snookie, but decides to pick her up

B – She did not run the blind.

Pick-up – 2. FC-AFC BAYPOINT’S DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’, “Journey,” LF, Jeff Schuett

Journey and Jeff came to the line at 9:15 am

F –  Down the hill, she swam to the end fo the pond, got out left of the gunners and went behind them, made a loop and snatched up her bird!

RR – Into the pond, she came out behind the gunners, got into the flyer fall area and started quickly to get handled, she got very deep with multiple whistles to get back to the area by the guns, it was very difficult, the gunners were asked to help the dog.

B – Did not run the blind.

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