National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Monday, June 20, 2022

5th Series Recap - Day 1

 Monday, June 20, 2022 

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired

Test Dogs started out the 5th Series beginning with "Henry" and then "Maci" was up next to give the competitors a good look at what they can expect for the 5th Series. (... and they would have noticed again, that it was going to be another tough series!)

The first running dog was #10 AFC Trumarc's Mumbo Jumbo, “Jumbo,” LM, with handler Sylvia McClure. They kicked off the 5th series at 2:55 pm this afternoon!

The weather reached up into the low 70’s and sunny skies. A nice and bright afternoon to run this test!

Here is how things turned out on Day 1 …
No-Bird & Re-Run (0): 
Re-Run (due to interference) (1): 21
Handles (5): 12 – 23 – 28 – 30 – 31
Double Handles (2): 10 – 37 
Pick-Ups (6): 13 – 14 – 22 – 24 – 29  – 36 
Scratches (0): 
Injuries (0): 

Our last running dog for the day of this series was dog #39. FC-AFC Seaside's Pompano Jack, “Jack,” LM, handled by Phil Heye. They came to the line at 7:20 pm, he completed the test, and the day was called at 7:35 pm.

Tuesday morning we will have one single test dog that will run at 6:30 am and then we will have our first running Dog #40 continue Series 5 shortly thereafter.

That's all for Today Folks, Good Night!


Jack and Phil came to the line at 7:20 pm

F – Jack pulled out the flyer – no problem!

SimF – Very positive mark – drove long without hesitation.

RR – Good line to the bird!

LR – Great Bird!


38. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” LM, Jamie Woodson

Madduxx and Jamie came to the line at 7:11 pm

F – Perfect!

RR – Very Nice!

LR – Out left of the large brush in the flat. Got out by the bird and came back. Turned back around and got his bird.

SimF – Out to the stand out gun, looped around the gunners and he got his bird!

Double Handle – 37. FC-AFC BEAVER RUNS ZIG ZAG ZEKE, “Zeke,” LM,” Leigh Windham

Zeke and Leigh came to the line at 7:00 pm

F – Very nice!

SimF – Took a nice line through the cover to get his bird

RR – Zeke had a good initial line but faded right. Established a hunting pattern deep and right. Zeke was handled to the bird.

LR – Zeke ran up to the arc and continued on, he had to be handled to his bird.

Pick-up - 36. HIGH ROAD ABE, “Abe,” LM, Randi Johannis

Abe and Randi came to the line at 6:48 pm

F – Smacked it!

LR – Straight to the bush – had to work through, excellent mark!

SimF – Ran straight but curved at big bush and drove to the bird.

RR – The dog drove back to the same bird just picked up and the guns had to come out.


Lazer and Tom came to the line at 6:33 pm

F – Flyer was a little deeper in the marsh but he worked it out!

SimF – Nice line!

LR – Had a bit of a hunt but his loop extended to the bird.

RR – Out to the area with a zig zag, a loop in the area and on to his bird!


Croc and Monte came to the line at 6:26 pm

F – Got it!

LR – Out into the flat and circled around. Over to the duck blind, and back to the center and out to the long retired.

SimF – Out through the center of the field and to his simulated flyer bird!

RR – Out short of the blind for a loop then on to his bird!


Dozer and Alvin came to the line at 6:18 pm

F – Dozer recovered his bird without any trouble.

LR – Dozer's line took him left of the duck blind and the holding blind, he swung around the back side and straight over to his bird.

RR –  Around the back side of the holding blind over to his bird.

SimF – Very positive line to the mark! Into the fall area without hesitation!

5th Series Announcement

It has been announced that the last running dog for this evening will be dog #39. All the other dogs have been released for the evening, but have been asked to leave in small groups because of the traffic limitations.


Buzz and Jeff came to the line at 6:10 pm

F – Nice job!

SimF – Went out to the area between the right retired and the simulated flyer. Worked back deep and left and got his bird!

LR – Came in between tree and blind on the back side of the tree, Buzz moved right to the fall area and got it.

RR – Went wide right and long. handled back into the area around the blind – difficult, but he got it!

Handle – 31. FC-AFC MR. LEE’S MAGNIFICENT MISS MARGIE, “Margie,” LF, Wayne Stupka

Margie and Wayne came to the line at 5:54 pm

F – Very good mark!

LR – Margie started a hunt pattern half way out and had to be handled to the bird.

RR – She had a bit of a hunt in the area, but worked out her bird.

SimF – Margie worked out her bird – very commendable job!

Handle – 30. FC K&M’s SEASIDE WARRIOR ELLIE, “Ellie,” LF, Cameron Johnson

Ellie and Cameron came to the line at 5:41 pm

F – Had a hunt but got it!

LR –Around the back side – stopped to look at wild duck then on to her bird!

SimF – Got wide and deep of the Right retired but never slowed down, just kept moving and ended up at the simulated flyer bird.

RR – Went wide right and deep, was handled back to the area and then she found her bird.

Pick-up – 29. STILL WATER’S TRUTH OR DARA, “Dara,” LF, Chad Griffin

Dara and Chad came to the line at 5:31 pm

F – Very good bird!

SimF – Good drive – solid mark on long gun!

LR – Worked short but got to the bird!

RR – Handled, and was eventually picked up

Handle – 28. FC-AFC BUSTER POSEY MH, “Buster,” LM, Steve Kompf

Buster and Steve came to the line at 5:28 pm

F – Into the marsh, turned deep and back for his bird.

LR – Across the flat ... curved toward the right retired, by the bush on over towards the right retired. Then continued on towards the simulated flyer and had to be handled back to the Left Retired bird.

RR – Across the flats and straight to the bird.

SimF – Out wide right of the gunner, looped around and to the bird.


Hope and Shane came to the line at 5:00 pm

F – Very good!

LR – Good line to the mark and right on the bird!

RR – Her line took her right of the guns but she bent around to get her bird!

SimF – Very good line to the bird – Excellent mark!

Pick-up – 24. SETTIN’ THE WOODS ON FIRE, “Hank,” LM, Nancy Moran

Hank and Nancy came to the line at 4:46 pm

F – Had a hunt in the lunging water to get his bird.

RR –  Had to be handled

Hank had a huge hunt, and the Judges asked her to Pick up the dog.

Handle – 23. HIGH PEAK’S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, “Dylan,” LM, Samantha Thompson

Dylan and Samantha came to the line at 4:35 pm

F – Very good recovery of bird!

LR – His line took him slightly right of the left retired gun station, Dylan had a couple loops in the alley between the left and right retired guns but worked it out and got his bird!

SimF – Went past the right retired gun station and set up a hunt pattern that expanded to get his simulated flyer.

RR – Line carried him behind the guns and Dylan had to be handled to this bird.

Pick-up – 22. BLUE MOON’S SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, “Drake,” LM, George Rogers

Drake and George came to the line at 4:20 pm

F – Nice job!

RR – Out to the fall area, had a quick hunt and he got it!

LR – Down the hill and cut left under the arc. Curved back in the bush and got it.

SimF – Took a line across the marsh straight towards the gunners. Veered right of the gunners, then worked deep. Went wide right and handled, but he could not hear whistles so guns helped - Picked up.


Poncho and Malcolm came to the line at 4:07 pm

F – Very good Flyer!

SimF – Poncho knew where he was headed and got his bird!

LR – The dog flushed a wild bird and marked it. Poncho was called in. 

The dog will get a rerun due to interference.

20. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE EXPRESS, “Ryan,” LF,” Lauren Hays

Ryan and Lauren came to the line at 3:57 pm

F – Nice Line to her bird!

SimF – Ran across the flat area and got it!

LR – Circled left by the blind, two loops out to the fall area and found her bird in the bush.

RR – Line right out to the fall area and her bird!

16. BUCK N FIRE FLY, “Twink,” LF, Mary Williams Ahlgren

Twink and Mary came to the line at 3:47 pm

F – Clean recovery of her flyer!

SimF – Very good – moved at the end to cut over to the path to the bird!

LR – Excellent Mark!

RR – Terrific Mark! Good line ... good momentum ... good work!


 Deacon and Mark came to the line at 3:38 pm

F – Straight to the bird!

SimF – Direct line through the marsh and out to his bird!

LR – Got a nice mark even though conditions prevent a straight line.

RR – Went out very wide right to almost the road ... made a few loops on this side, then over the back left of the gunners and he got his bird!

Pick-up – 14. FC-AFC BRING IT ON, “Hoss,” LM, Cynthia Tallman

Hoss and Cynthia came to the line at 3:26 pm

F – Straight to the bird!

SimF – Around the big bush, up the middle, out to the right side and he came out left to this bird!

RR – Hoss came out to the area left of the Right Retired and headed deep. Got deep but turned and came back and got his bird.

LR – Headed long, worked hard to handle left but had to be Picked Up.

Pick-up – 13. FC EXECUTION SOUTHERN STYLE - LETHAL, “Lethal,” LM, Johnny Armstrong

Lethal and Johnny came to the line at 3:16 pm

F – Straight to the bird!

SimF – Went on a good line 3/4 of the way out, took a few turns and got his bird!

LR – Inside big brush, through the marsh, straight to the fall area and the bird.

RR – Out to the back side of the simulated flyer, hooked the gunners and moved back in to the simulated flyer zone. Lethal was picked up.

Handle – 12. AFC SALLY BE GOOD, “Sally,” LF, Terry Foltz

 Sally and Terry came to the line ...

F – Straight to the bird!

LR – To the cover by the bird and straight to it!

RR – Got deep, turned back, hunted the area and she got her bird!

SimF – Unsure - but handled from the bottom of the hill with 1 whistle.

Double Handle – 10. AFC TRUMARC’S MUMBO JUMBO, “Jumbo,” LM, Sylvia McClure

Jumbo and Sylvia came to the line at 2:55 pm

F – Into the marsh, a quick turn and he got it!

RR – Out to the fall area and he got his bird!

LR – Came in and missed, confused and started to come back, handled to the bird.

SimF – Went long, hooked the guns, went back to the right and had to be handled to the bird.

5th Series Test Dogs

Test Dogs Came to the line ...

Hooray For Henry, “Henry,” LM, Marion Carey

First up was Henry and Marion ... 

F – Henry ran to the flyer and hunted in running water.

SimF – Headed long to the simulated flyer, hunted a little and found his bird.

LR – Was sent for bird. Tight hunt – ended up handing Henry to the bird.

RR – Charged behind the gun station, back-sided the gun and was handled to the bird.

The test took a Henry just slightly over 10 minutes to complete the test.

FC Semper Mt. Hood Maci, “Maci,” GF, Lee Herskowitz

Next up was Maci with handler Lee ...

F – Went directly to the flyer skirting the running water.

RR – Went to the right retired next, started down the middle and was handled to the bird.

LR – The dog ran to the left of the wooden duck blind then quartered towards the left retired bird. After a short hunt Maci was handled to the bird.

SimF – Maci headed toward the simulated flyer. She took a direct path up the middle and straight to the bird.

The test took Maci a little over 15 minutes to complete this test.

5th Series – Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired

This afternoon we will begin test 5 back at TJ Lindbloom's property. The water in this test site was higher last week due to all the rain in the area, but has now dried to some patches of lunging water.

The Fifth Series is a Land Quad with a Flyer, a Simulated Flyer and Two Retired Guns using all ducks. Skies have cleared and lighting is bright. The line sits at the top edge of a bowl facing nearly North. The backdrop at the edge of the field is tree-lined and blocks the river frontage. Much of the area is mowed where the area allows and the balance is marsh with small "islands" of elevation dotting the water. There is a duck blind between the left-hand flyer and the rest of the marks. Two brush areas are just below the line.

Bird #1: (SimF for Simulated Flyer) The simulated flyer goes off first. It is a drake that lands 270 yards to the left. The path to the bird will take the dog down the hill, between scrub brush and through lunging water.

Bird #2: (RR for Right Retired) The second bird is a hen mallard thrown 232 yards to the left. This hen mallard is an angle back on land. The dog will skirt along the right shore of the marshy area. Then will go through a cove, skimming land, past another marshy area and on to solid ground to pick up the bird.

Bird #3: (LR for Left Retired) The Left Retired Gun is a hen mallard thrown to the right at 200 yards. The dog drops down the hill, through lunging water, across some land, back into the marsh and on to solid ground.

Bird #4: (F for Flyer) The Flyer is a drake mallard shot to the left at approximately 108 yards. It is furthest left of the field and after it is shot it is sluiced.

The retired guns go to their blinds as the dog is picking up the flyer go-bird. This test is taking approximately 11 minutes plus or minus per dog to complete.

Sketch of the Fifth Series by David Morrison

Connectivity Issues

Our internet and connectivity here on location at the 5th series is NOT VERY GOOD. We are trying to work on keeping the blog as current as possible, but it will be a slow-go at this location for the duration!

 We will be posting as timely as possible ... however, that may not be very timely! We apologize! 

Most likely any photos will be added into the dog work posts later this evening when we have a better connection to do so ... Thank you all for understanding! 

Callbacks to the 5th Series

80 dogs were called back: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95 and 96.

0 dogs scratched

12 dogs dropped: 2, 3, 6, 11, 17, 42, 68, 87, 93, 94, 97 and 98.

Series 5 is on TJ Lindbloom's property
Dog #10 will start the 5th series.

3rd & 4th Series Recap – Day 2

Monday, June 20, 2022 

3rd & 4th Series – Water Double with a Water Blind

92 Dogs Started this Series

The single Test Dog started out the day at 6:38 am. Test Dog "Jack" with handler Michael Moore ran the test to show if there were any new conditions on these two tests for handlers this morning. After that we were off and running! We picked back up with Dog #52 AFC Candlewood Game Of Perseverance, “Percy,” LM with owner handler Jane Dunn at 6:48 am.

Here is how things turned out on Day 2 …
No-Bird / Re-Run (2): 57 – 64 
Re-Run from Previous Day (1): 46
Handles (26): 52 – 53 – 54 – 55 – 56 – 57 – 58 – 59 – 60 – 62 – 63 – 65 – 67 – 69 – 70 – 71 – 72 – 73 – 74 – 77 – 78 – 80 – 83 – 85 – 86 – 87
Pick-Ups (1): 68
Scratches (0): 
Injuries (0): 

Our last running dog for for this Series was dog #87 FC Heartbeat's Sweet Georgia Peach, “Peaches,” LF with handler Julie Kobach. They came to the line at 12:55 pm and she completed the test, and this series was final at 1:05 pm. 

All together, 92 dogs were sent from the line for tests 3 & 4, taking a total of 16 hours and 40 minutes, which averages out to be just under 11 minutes per dog.

The final stats for both days are:
4 – No-Birds / Re-Runs
57 – Handles
8 – Pick-Ups
0 – Scratches
0 – Injuries

We are moving on to the 5th Series now and awaiting callbacks ...

That's a Wrap!

Tests 3 and 4 are in the books! This series concluded with the last running dog in at 1:05 pm. 

We will be moving to the next test site location, and awaiting Callbacks to the 5th series ...

Stay Tuned ... We will be back with Callbacks as soon as we can!

Handle – 87. FC HEARTBEAT’S SWEET GEORGIA PEACH, “Peaches,” LF, Julie Kobach

Peaches and Julie came to the line at 12:55 pm

F – Initial line took her left of the gunners, then Peaches came out of the water and headed to the left, she got a quick whistle to put her over to the mark.

RR – Wide left exiting the pond, a loop further left and then Peaches heads right to hunt deep behind the mound and works it out to get her bird!

B – 2 whistles for the water entry, 1 more to get on and off the point, 2 final whistles to get to the bird.


Handle – 86. HAYSEED WILDER MAX4 QA2, “Max,” LM, Jeff Meyer

Max and Jeff came to the line at 12:45 pm

F – Max's angle across the pond has him landing wide left of the mark, he came out behind the guns. Makes a turn deep of the guns towards the area of the fall and he finds his bird!

RR – He enters the field wide right, a good handle puts him in the lower edge of the pond, further casts and he gets the bird in a confined area.

B –  3 whistles into the water, 1 on and off the point and then 2 more whistles to the bird.


Handle – 85. FC-AFC CK’S TOPEND STARWARS, “Luke,” LM, Anne Marshall

Luke and Anne came to the line at 12:33 pm

F – Luke came out of the water wide left and up behind the guns, a loop behind the guns and Luke quickly figures out where the fall area is and goes in for his bird!

RR – He came out of the fist pond and indicated that he was thinking of going left, so a quick whistle put him in the area, a couple more and Luke was in the area but he missed it, ...then one more whistle back and he got it!

B – 3 whistles for entry into the water, 2 on and off the point and the 3 final whistles to the bird.



Chase and Alvin came to the line at 12:25 pm

F – Up the hill and right onto his bird!

RR – Chase knew just where the bird was and made quick work of the retrieve!

B – 3 whistles to enter the water, 2 whistles on and off the point, 3 more at the end to get his bird.


Handle – 83. SEASIDE’S ROAD TO GLORY, “Freeway,” LM, Monte Wulf

Freeway and Monte came to the line ...

F –  Across the field to the middle of the far end, drove the hill and had a very extended hunt - but he got it!

RR – Freeway hit the far pond and channeled, he was stopped and was handled over to his bird. He got it!

B – 3 whistles to start the line into the pond right of the stake, 2 whistles on and then off the point, 2 more whistles to the bird.

82. AFC R&A’S TAP DANCER, “Katie,” LF, Rip Shively

Katie and Rip came to the line at 12:02 pm

F – Katie splashed through the corner of the pond and drove up the hill to retriever her bird!

RR – Very good mark!

B – 3 whistles to establish entry, 2 more to get on and off the point, 3 additional whistles to get her bird.

81. AFC LANE’S RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE, “Man,” LM, Sylvia McClure

Man and Sylvia came to the line at 11:52 am

F – Man came into the right side of the pond, straight up the hill, hunted hard behind the guns and in the middle, moved to the small pond and then back again for a very extended hunt - But he got it!

RR – Ran right side of the pond straight to the fall area and then right onto his bird.

B – 1 whistle into the pond, and excellent line to the point, cast off the point and carried almost all the way to the bird, 2 or 3 more whistles and he had his bird.


Handle – 80. NFC-AFC BAYOU TECHE SWING FOR THE FENCE, “Foxx,” LM, Lauren Hays

Foxx and Lauren came to the line at 11:40 am

F – Foxx went through the pond, straight up the hill and right to his bird!

RR –  Cutting through the pond, Foxx came out in a line that would put him on a trajectory for the left side of the pond, so a quick whistle begins the handle process to guide him to his bird.

B – 2 whistles to get into the water, 1 more on and off the point, then 2 final whistles to get his bird.
"Beware of the FOXX - tail!"    :-)


Handle – 78. FC-AFC MISSION MOUNTAIN’S HOME COOKIN’, “Traeger,” LM, Mark Neeley

Traeger and Mark came to the line ...

F – He went into the right corner of the pond, and then ran straight to the bird!

RR – Went down the right side of the pond on land to the end, Mark started to handle him back into the water and he got his bird.

B – 3 whistles to get in left of the stake, a few more for a very nice line to the mark.


Handle – 77. FC-AFC SILVER STAR’S WATCH’EM LIKE A HAWK, “Hawk,” LM, Scott Leonescu

Hawk and Scott came to the line at 11:22 am

F – Very good job! Through water and drove up the hillside for a good mark!

RR – Entered the field wide right, good time to handle and he is handled over through the grasses to the bird.

B – 4 whistles to the water, 2 more on and off the point, and then 3 final whistles to the bird.

76. FC-AFC SHORT STACK- DOUBLE OR NOTHIN’, “Shorty,” LM, Delma Hazzard

Shorty and Delma came to the line ...

F – Shorty went into the water and exited on the right end of the pond, drove straight up the hill to the fall area and quickly got his bird!

RR – Into the channel he went, drove straight down the channel to the cove on the left, came out and up the hill, came back to the pond and hunted up his bird. He got it!

B – 2 whistles put him left of the stake and into the pond, 2 more carried him over the point and wide right, a few more whistles and he had his bird.


75. FC-AFC LJ’s TEXAS KING OF BLUES, “Ray,” LM, Mark Littlejohn

Ray and Mark came to the line at 11:01 am

F – Ray is ready to go! Big splash and chugged across the pond. He drove up the hill and right onto his bird.

RR – Shaking off the water and locked in on the next bird! He rockets out to the pond, into the channel and lands on the left side of the shore, but quickly recovers, crosses over and gets his bird!

B – 1 whistle into the water, 1 to the point on and off, and then 3 more whistles to the bird.

Handle – 74. FC-AFC BROOKDALE’S JET BLACK GHOST RYDER, “Ryder,” LM, Jim Powers

Ryder and Jim came to the line at 10:48 am

F – Ryder ran around the large pond, got in the corner of a small pot hole, ran towards the guns and then established a hunt, he went wide right behind the small pond hunting back and forth - covered the area before finding his bird.

RR – Went high right, started getting handled early and he got it!

B – 3 or 4 whistles for a nice entry, he carried this line down the shore, over the point and out, then just a few casts put him on his bird!

Handle – 73. SEASIDE’S WAY OVER THE STARS, “Marcus,” LM, Sue Reynolds

Marcus and Sue came to the line at 10:39 am

F – A loop deep of the bird and Marcus came back to the area of the fall for the retrieve!

RR – Marcus entered the field wide right. He is handled, but the tall cover makes progress challenging! He gets to the pond and required a bit more help to get his bird.

B – 2 whistles in, 1 more on and off the point, then 3 more whistles to get the bird.

SCRAPBOOK – DAY 2 of the 2022 NARC

 Please enjoy these photos of Day Two of the 2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship …

Where's Mark Atwater of UpClose Photo?

Last chance to buy your Raffle Tickets!

Handle – 72. FC-AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, “Tru,” LF, Mark Medford

Tru and Mark came to the line at 10:29 am

F –  Entered the pond on a great line, carried this line to the top of the hill and quickly got her bird!

RR – Tru swam to the middle of the pond, exited onto land on the left side, worked her way to the end and was going wide left towards the flyer ... a couple quick whistles brought her back to the bird.

B – A few whistles to get in the water, this carried her line over the point and almost made it all the way to the bird, 1 or 2 more casts and she had it!

Handle – 71. BAYOU-STAR BEAU RIVAGE, “Riva,” LF, Suzan Caire

Riva and Suzan came to the line at 10:22 am

F –  Excellent drive and straight to her bird!

RR – Headed wide right to the area, Riva was handled, responded well from the cover to a whistle that moved her into the area of the fall and she got her bird!

B – 2 whistles to entry, 2 more to get on and off the point, then 2 more to the end.

Handle – 70. FC-AFC FLAWLESS EXECUTION - FLEX, “Flex,” LM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex and Johnny came to the line ...

F – Flex went into the pond on a good angle, straight up the hill to the top, wide swing left and right and then he quickly had his bird.

RR – He ran to the pond, on the left side, swam across ran over the points to the far end, Johnny gave him a quick whistle and handled back to the bird.

B – Nice entry, nice line over the point and to the bird!

Handle – 69. SEASIDE’S MOJO MOXY, “Boots,” LF, Jeffrey Schuett

Boots and Jeff came to the line at 10:03 am

F – Good line through the water and up the hill to her bird.

RR – Boots went wide right of the pond, gets into cover and has a difficult time handling back toward the mark. But she got the bird.

B – 3 whistles to try to get entry left of the stake, 2 whistles to the point and 3 more to the bird.

Conditions Report

Wind has picked up out of the North. The water has gone from smooth as glass, to a pebbled surface depending on wind direction. The winds seem to shift and swirl in the valley.

The dog work is similar to yesterday, but the handlers are keeping on their toes!

Rerun – 64. FC-AFC HOCKLEY CREEK’S SOUTHPAW, “Lefty,” LM, Robby Bickley

Lefty and Robby came to the line at 9:55 am

F – Great line straight to the fall area, quickly found his bird.

RR – Excellent line into the far pond, straight to his bird!

B – 2 whistles for a perfect entry, 2 whistles to go up and over the point, carried this line all the way to the bird. One whistle to exit the pond and he scooped it up.


Handle – 62. AFC QUEEN BEE OF AUTUMN RUN, “Buzz,” LF, Jamie Woodson

Buzz and Jamie came to the line at 9:45 am

F – Buzz was ready to go! Through the water and up the hill and right to her bird.

RR – She stopped left of the pond and was handled, after some effort Buzz moved across the pond to locate her bird.

B – 3 whistles to enter the water, 2 more to get on and off the point, 3 whistles to the end.

Gun Change

   Gun Change and Rebird 9:45 am

Pick-up – 68. FC SDK’s MODERATION IS FOR COWARDS, “Kikr,” LM, Shane Olean

Kikr and Shane came to the line at 9:30 am

F – Kept to the near side of the pond to the end, angled straight up to the fall area and quickly found his bird.

RR – Very wide right, the handler quickly whistled to try to move him in the right direction, but Kikr had to be picked up.

B – Did not run the blind

Handle – 67. FC-AFC WOOD RIVER’S MR BIG, “George,” LM, Bill Fruehling

George and Bill came to the line at 9:17 am

F – Swam to the flyer area and went to the fall area, had a short hunt and he got his bird.

RR – Across the field and into the fall area, but needed one quick whistle to put him on his bird.

B – 4 whistles to get in left of the stake, half way to the point he had 2 more whistles to get on and off the point, then an additional 2 whistles to the end to get his bird.


66. FC-AFC HOPE SHE’S A DUK DAWG, “Oakley,” LF, Bubba Joiner

Oakley and Bubba came to the line at 9:07 am

F – Straight line right to her flyer!

RR – Across the field into the channel, up on the right side, back into the channel, curved into the cover and nailed it! She got her bird!

B – 2 whistles and in the pond left of the stake, 4 more whistles to the point, 1 to get on, 1 more to get out and a check down at the bird.


Handle – Rerun – 57. COOLWATER’S CAJUN DUCK POND WAVE MAKER, “Pireaux,” LF, Alex Washburn

Chief and Heather came to the line at 8:53 am

F – Pireaux covered an extended area but was able to locate her bird.

RR – Entered the pond at the base to swim the beginning part of the channel. She pulled left and landed on the left shore. Although she maintained a fairly tight radius to the pond she was handled with multiple whistles and effort to get her bird.

B – 1 whistle to enter the water, 1 whistle on and off the point, 2 more to get to the bird.

Handle – 65. FC-AFC DOC’S MESA BOOGIE, “Mesa,” LF, William Smith

Mesa and William came to the line at 8:40 am

F – Nice line up the middle of the field, left and right then very extended area hunt to come up with her bird.

RR – Across the field and into the left side of the pond, ran down the left and William started to handle to get Mesa back out and into the pond, then to her bird.

B – Lined the pond to the left of the stake, 2 whistles to get on and off the point, 2 more whistles before he got out and a check down at the bird.

No-Bird – 64. FC-AFC HOCKLEY CREEK’S SOUTHPAW, “Lefty,” LM, Robby Bickley

No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

Handle – 63. AFC POPPLE RIVER’S FULL THROTTLE, “Gertrude,” LF, Bernard Carey III

Gertrude and Bernard came to the line at 8:28 am

F – Cutting the edge of the pond and up the hill directly to her bird!

RR – Entered the area wide and right, she was handled to move over and get her bird.

B – 2 whistles to establish a line of entry, 3 more on and off the point, and then 3 whistles to the end.


62. AFC QUEEN BEE OF AUTUMN RUN, “Buzz,” LF, Jamie Woodson

Buzz and Jamie are delayed ...


Luke and Bert came to the line at 8:18 am

F – Landed in the middle of the field, Nice Bird! Luke swam out in a straight line, charged up the hill and put his nose right on the bird!

RR – Drove the right side of the field and turned and went straight to his bird! Nice!

B – 8 whistles and refused to get into the water, got all the way to the point before he got in, multiple whistles later and he had his bird.

Handle – 60. ALASKA RANGE PERFORMANCE GRADE QA2, “May,” LF, Cindie Little

May and Cindie came to the line at 8:11 am

F – Splash in the water and up the hill, May comes in behind the gunners making a quick turn to run over and grab her bird.

RR – Into the corner of the water, May arrives to the fall area, she initiates a hunt on the left side of the pond, but is handled to her bird.

B – 3 whistles to establish and entry, 3 more on and off the point, 5 whistles to the bird. Responsive and fast!


Handle – 59. HIGH PROOF LIKKER, “Hooch,” LM, Brian Watson

Hooch and Brian came to the line at 8:00 am

F – Into the water off the point, swimming towards the right side of the pond at the far end, up the hill in front of the guns, turned right to the fall area and quickly got his bird!

RR – Across the field, right of the pond he was handled with multiple whistles, but he got it!

B – 3 whistles to in left of the stake, more additional whistles to get on the point and then on to his bird.


Reminder: Gun Change after Dog #68

Handle – 58. FC-AFC SHORELINE’S PRESS ON REGARDLESS, “Clyde,” LM, Linda Berkeley-Weiss

Clyde and Linda came to the line at 7:55 am

F – Clyde made easy work of his flyer! Out of the water and up the hill directly to his bird!

RR – Running through the tail of the water he indicates that he will continue right, so he is stopped and handled to the bird.

B – 2 whistles to enter the water, 2 more on and off the point and 3 more to get to the bird.


No-Bird – 57. COOLWATER’S CAJUN DUCK POND WAVE MAKER, “Pireaux,” LF, Alex Washburn

Pireaux and Alex came to the line at 7:48 am.

They got a No-bird on the Flyer. Will return after 6 running dogs.

Handle – 56. AFC ELI’S BIG CHIEF, “Chief,” LM, Heather Pfluger

Chief and Heather came to the line at 7:38 am

F – Great mark! Through the pond he squares out coming up behind the guns. A quick turn and he went directly to his mark!

RR – Running wide right of the mark, he got just beyond the area, for a timely whistle that moves him back to the area and his bird.

B – 4 whistles to adjust entry into the water, 3 more on and off the point, and then 4 whistles to the bird.

Handle – 55. FC-AFC HIGH SOCIETY’S HATARI RUMBLE, “Hattie,” LF, Sylvia McClure

Hattie and Sylvia came to the line at 7:27 am

F – Hattie ran down the slope into the pond and swam over to the small island on the right side of the pond. Upon exiting the pond, she went straight to the flyer! Nice Mark! She took the large right middle island on the way back in!

RR – Across the field into the left side of the pond, up and out ... she was handled back to the pond, across it, and to her bird.

B – 2 whistles into the water, left of the stake, 1 whistle on to the point, 1 more to get off, 2 more to tighten up and she got her bird.

Handle – 54. FC-AFC TRULINES BIG BAD JACK, “Jack,” LM, Wayne Carey

Jack and Wayne came to the line at 7:16 am

F – Jack made a big splash into the water! Came out with a little lean to the left and up the hill for a pretty mark on the flyer!

RR – His line took him right the the middle of the pond, out at just the right spot ... but he missed it. A quick whistle and he was back to the area and got his bird.

B – 4 whistles to enter the water, 2 more on and off the point, and then 2 final whistles to the bird.

Handle – 53. AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” LM, Larry Vaske

Shooter and Larry came to the line at 7:05 am

F – Shooter angled down the slope and launched off the point, swam to the far left and up past the gunners to the fall area and quickly found his bird.

RR – Across the slope and down the field right of the small pond he stopped just past the bird and worked his way back to the bird with multiple whistles from the handler.

B – 1 whistle to get in left of the stake, 3 or 4 more to parallel the shore and get on point, 3 more whistles and he had his bird.


Handle – Rerun – 46. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard

Drake and Breck came to the line at 6:56 am

F – Anxious to go, Drake is launched through the pond, up the hill and quickly retrieves his bird!

RR – Drake goes along the first pond, deflects off the smaller pond and heads towards the flyer area. A whistle to move him right and he works it out with his handler to get his bird.

B – 5 whistles to establish entry, 2 more on and off the point to the bird, but he just slips past it at the end and his handler guides him back to it.