National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Saturday, June 25, 2022

10th Series – Water Triple with a Flyer and Two Retired

The 10th Series is on Andy Kahn's "Sheep Barn Pond." This area has three ponds which are tied by land bridges. The larger pond is on the far side and has several points and an island. The mat is on a hill in the northeast corner of the field.

From left to right the stations are:
Bird 1 – Flyer: (we will refer to this bird as F for Flyer)
This mark is a rooster up the hill behind the large pond. This group of three gunners will throw then shoot to the right with the rooster landing approximately 301 yards from the mat in a field of tall grass with mowed strips.

Bird 2 – Right Retired: (we will refer to this bird as RR for Right Retired)
This bird is on the right side of the large pond in a brushed blind at the water's edge. The two gunners come out to throw and shoot a dead drake mallard. This duck lands on an island in front of them and converges with Flyer, approximately 296 yards from the mat.
Bird 3 – Left Retired: (we will refer to this bird as LR for Left Retired)
The well-brushed blind has two gunners who come out and stand at the left edge of the large pond. They shoot and throw left with the dead hen mallard landing behind a strip of cover 204 yards from the mat. This test is taking approximately 15-20 minutes per dog.

The order will be:
Right Retired
Left Retired
Tenth Series – Water Triple with a Flyer and Two Retired
Bird 1 – Flyer – 301 yards
 Bird 2 – Right Retired – 296 yards

Bird 3 – Left Retired – 204 yards
Sketch of the Tenth Series by David Morrison – THANKS, DAVE!!!