#17 FC-AFC Marshwind's Oskar, LM
Callname: Oskar
DOB: 11/13/2015
Sire: FC-AFC Ebb Tide's Ode To Irish Soul
Dam: FC-AFC Marshwind's Black Magik
Breeder: Bente Kongsore
Owner(s): Bente Kongsore
Handler: Bente Kongsore
Oskar and Bente came to the line at 12:10 pm
F – Oskar drifted down the hill a bit, but corrected nicely and turned into the area of the fall to get his bird.
RG – His hunt pattern on this mark began 2/3 of the way to the bird. He made a couple loops towards the valley and then advanced. A small hunt was established at the base of the tree line left of the holding blind. Moving along this hunt pattern took him to the bird.
B – Early whistles to establish the line, one whistle towards the end to put him on the bird.