National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Sunday, June 19, 2022

45. FC-AFC LOCK FIVE’S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, “Tango,” LF, Mark Medford

Tango and Mark came to the line ...

F – Tango went across the hill and into the pond on a good angle, out and straight up in front of the guns, turned right and grabbed up her bird on her way back down the hill!

RR – She went out to the small pond  on the left, cut across to the right side, scooped up the bird and returned back. Excellent!

B – 3 whistles to get in the water, this carried her to the point, 1 whistle on the point and 1 off the point, 1 to adjust her line and 1 more at the bird.