National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Handle – 96. FC-AFC A RIVERS BREEZE BRINGS US FAITH, “Faith,” LF, Wayne Carey

#96 FC-AFC A Rivers Breeze Brings Us Faith, LF
Callname: Faith
DOB: 1/2/2017
Sire: FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise
Dam: Creek Robbers Santa Ana Winds
Breeder: Ben Echevarria
Owner(s): Debi Carey
Handler: Wayne Carey

Faith and Wayne came to the line at 10:15 am

F – Small hunt and on to the her bird.

RG – Line carried her down the hill to the left of the holding blind, a good turn and she turned into the bird with a handle.

B – She came in left of the blind, 2 whistles at the end and she had her bird.