National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

2022 National Amateur Retriever Championship Blog

Monday, June 20, 2022

Handle – Rerun – 46. FC-AFC KID’S SIR DRAKE OF MILE MARKER SIX, “Drake,” LM, Breck Howard

Drake and Breck came to the line at 6:56 am

F – Anxious to go, Drake is launched through the pond, up the hill and quickly retrieves his bird!

RR – Drake goes along the first pond, deflects off the smaller pond and heads towards the flyer area. A whistle to move him right and he works it out with his handler to get his bird.

B – 5 whistles to establish entry, 2 more on and off the point to the bird, but he just slips past it at the end and his handler guides him back to it.